
data class JobArgs(val etag: Output<String>? = null, val jobId: Output<String>? = null, val labels: Output<Map<String, String>>? = null, val predictionInput: Output<GoogleCloudMlV1__PredictionInputArgs>? = null, val predictionOutput: Output<GoogleCloudMlV1__PredictionOutputArgs>? = null, val project: Output<String>? = null, val trainingInput: Output<GoogleCloudMlV1__TrainingInputArgs>? = null, val trainingOutput: Output<GoogleCloudMlV1__TrainingOutputArgs>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<JobArgs>

Creates a training or a batch prediction job. Auto-naming is currently not supported for this resource. Note - this resource's API doesn't support deletion. When deleted, the resource will persist on Google Cloud even though it will be deleted from Pulumi state.


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fun JobArgs(etag: Output<String>? = null, jobId: Output<String>? = null, labels: Output<Map<String, String>>? = null, predictionInput: Output<GoogleCloudMlV1__PredictionInputArgs>? = null, predictionOutput: Output<GoogleCloudMlV1__PredictionOutputArgs>? = null, project: Output<String>? = null, trainingInput: Output<GoogleCloudMlV1__TrainingInputArgs>? = null, trainingOutput: Output<GoogleCloudMlV1__TrainingOutputArgs>? = null)


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open override fun toJava(): JobArgs


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val etag: Output<String>? = null

etag is used for optimistic concurrency control as a way to help prevent simultaneous updates of a job from overwriting each other. It is strongly suggested that systems make use of the etag in the read-modify-write cycle to perform job updates in order to avoid race conditions: An etag is returned in the response to GetJob, and systems are expected to put that etag in the request to UpdateJob to ensure that their change will be applied to the same version of the job.

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val jobId: Output<String>? = null

The user-specified id of the job.

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val labels: Output<Map<String, String>>? = null

Optional. One or more labels that you can add, to organize your jobs. Each label is a key-value pair, where both the key and the value are arbitrary strings that you supply. For more information, see the documentation on using labels.

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Input parameters to create a prediction job.

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The current prediction job result.

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val project: Output<String>? = null
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Input parameters to create a training job.

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The current training job result.