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suspend fun getJob(argument: GetJobPlainArgs): GetJobResult

Describes a job.

suspend fun getJob(argument: suspend GetJobPlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetJobResult
suspend fun getJob(jobId: String, project: String? = null): GetJobResult
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Gets the access control policy for a resource. Returns an empty policy if the resource exists and does not have a policy set.

suspend fun getJobIamPolicy(jobId: String, optionsRequestedPolicyVersion: Int? = null, project: String? = null): GetJobIamPolicyResult
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suspend fun getModel(argument: GetModelPlainArgs): GetModelResult

Gets information about a model, including its name, the description (if set), and the default version (if at least one version of the model has been deployed).

suspend fun getModel(argument: suspend GetModelPlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetModelResult
suspend fun getModel(modelId: String, project: String? = null): GetModelResult
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Gets the access control policy for a resource. Returns an empty policy if the resource exists and does not have a policy set.

suspend fun getModelIamPolicy(modelId: String, optionsRequestedPolicyVersion: Int? = null, project: String? = null): GetModelIamPolicyResult
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suspend fun getStudy(argument: GetStudyPlainArgs): GetStudyResult

Gets a study.

suspend fun getStudy(argument: suspend GetStudyPlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetStudyResult
suspend fun getStudy(location: String, project: String? = null, studyId: String): GetStudyResult
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suspend fun getTrial(argument: GetTrialPlainArgs): GetTrialResult

Gets a trial.

suspend fun getTrial(argument: suspend GetTrialPlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetTrialResult
suspend fun getTrial(location: String, project: String? = null, studyId: String, trialId: String): GetTrialResult
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Gets information about a model version. Models can have multiple versions. You can call projects.models.versions.list to get the same information that this method returns for all of the versions of a model.

suspend fun getVersion(argument: suspend GetVersionPlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetVersionResult
suspend fun getVersion(modelId: String, project: String? = null, versionId: String): GetVersionResult