
@JvmName(name = "mrpdlwcpoxlywfcf")
suspend fun autoScaling(value: Output<GoogleCloudMlV1__AutoScalingArgs>)
@JvmName(name = "xdrsllyhndcolbtt")
suspend fun autoScaling(value: GoogleCloudMlV1__AutoScalingArgs?)



Automatically scale the number of nodes used to serve the model in response to increases and decreases in traffic. Care should be taken to ramp up traffic according to the model's ability to scale or you will start seeing increases in latency and 429 response codes.

@JvmName(name = "oyemowkuhlgmwebd")
suspend fun autoScaling(argument: suspend GoogleCloudMlV1__AutoScalingArgsBuilder.() -> Unit)



Automatically scale the number of nodes used to serve the model in response to increases and decreases in traffic. Care should be taken to ramp up traffic according to the model's ability to scale or you will start seeing increases in latency and 429 response codes.