
@JvmName(name = "dscqabtjkgtrtebi")
suspend fun routes(value: Output<GoogleCloudMlV1__RouteMapArgs>)
@JvmName(name = "ikmpslplxcfvieae")
suspend fun routes(value: GoogleCloudMlV1__RouteMapArgs?)



Optional. Specifies paths on a custom container's HTTP server where AI Platform Prediction sends certain requests. If you specify this field, then you must also specify the container field. If you specify the container field and do not specify this field, it defaults to the following: ``json { "predict": "/v1/models/MODEL/versions/VERSION:predict", "health": "/v1/models/MODEL/versions/VERSION" } `` See RouteMap for more details about these default values.

@JvmName(name = "yxiuqtqaokbmuxfx")
suspend fun routes(argument: suspend GoogleCloudMlV1__RouteMapArgsBuilder.() -> Unit)



Optional. Specifies paths on a custom container's HTTP server where AI Platform Prediction sends certain requests. If you specify this field, then you must also specify the container field. If you specify the container field and do not specify this field, it defaults to the following: ``json { "predict": "/v1/models/MODEL/versions/VERSION:predict", "health": "/v1/models/MODEL/versions/VERSION" } `` See RouteMap for more details about these default values.