
enum DataSetPlotType : Enum<DataSetPlotType> , ConvertibleToJava<DataSetPlotType>

How this data should be plotted on the chart.


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Plot type is unspecified. The view will default to LINE.

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The data is plotted as a set of lines (one line per series).

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The data is plotted as a set of filled areas (one area per series), with the areas stacked vertically (the base of each area is the top of its predecessor, and the base of the first area is the x-axis). Since the areas do not overlap, each is filled with a different opaque color.

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The data is plotted as a set of rectangular boxes (one box per series), with the boxes stacked vertically (the base of each box is the top of its predecessor, and the base of the first box is the x-axis). Since the boxes do not overlap, each is filled with a different opaque color.

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The data is plotted as a heatmap. The series being plotted must have a DISTRIBUTION value type. The value of each bucket in the distribution is displayed as a color. This type is not currently available in the Stackdriver Monitoring application.


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object Companion


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open override fun toJava(): DataSetPlotType
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Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)

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Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.


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val javaValue: DataSetPlotType
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