
data class DashboardFilterArgs(val filterType: Output<DashboardFilterFilterType>? = null, val labelKey: Output<String>, val stringValue: Output<String>? = null, val templateVariable: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<DashboardFilterArgs>

A filter to reduce the amount of data charted in relevant widgets.


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fun DashboardFilterArgs(filterType: Output<DashboardFilterFilterType>? = null, labelKey: Output<String>, stringValue: Output<String>? = null, templateVariable: Output<String>? = null)


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open override fun toJava(): DashboardFilterArgs


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The specified filter type

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val labelKey: Output<String>

The key for the label

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val stringValue: Output<String>? = null

A variable-length string value.

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val templateVariable: Output<String>? = null

The placeholder text that can be referenced in a filter string or MQL query. If omitted, the dashboard filter will be applied to all relevant widgets in the dashboard.