Pick Time Series Filter Args
data class PickTimeSeriesFilterArgs(val direction: Output<PickTimeSeriesFilterDirection>? = null, val numTimeSeries: Output<Int>? = null, val rankingMethod: Output<PickTimeSeriesFilterRankingMethod>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<PickTimeSeriesFilterArgs>
Describes a ranking-based time series filter. Each input time series is ranked with an aligner. The filter will allow up to num_time_series time series to pass through it, selecting them based on the relative ranking.For example, if ranking_method is METHOD_MEAN,direction is BOTTOM, and num_time_series is 3, then the 3 times series with the lowest mean values will pass through the filter.
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fun PickTimeSeriesFilterArgs(direction: Output<PickTimeSeriesFilterDirection>? = null, numTimeSeries: Output<Int>? = null, rankingMethod: Output<PickTimeSeriesFilterRankingMethod>? = null)