
data class StatisticalTimeSeriesFilterArgs(val numTimeSeries: Output<Int>? = null, val rankingMethod: Output<StatisticalTimeSeriesFilterRankingMethod>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<StatisticalTimeSeriesFilterArgs>

A filter that ranks streams based on their statistical relation to other streams in a request. Note: This field is deprecated and completely ignored by the API.


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fun StatisticalTimeSeriesFilterArgs(numTimeSeries: Output<Int>? = null, rankingMethod: Output<StatisticalTimeSeriesFilterRankingMethod>? = null)


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open override fun toJava(): StatisticalTimeSeriesFilterArgs


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val numTimeSeries: Output<Int>? = null

How many time series to output.

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rankingMethod is applied to a set of time series, and then the produced value for each individual time series is used to compare a given time series to others. These are methods that cannot be applied stream-by-stream, but rather require the full context of a request to evaluate time series.