
data class WidgetArgs(val alertChart: Output<AlertChartArgs>? = null, val blank: Output<EmptyArgs>? = null, val collapsibleGroup: Output<CollapsibleGroupArgs>? = null, val incidentList: Output<IncidentListArgs>? = null, val logsPanel: Output<LogsPanelArgs>? = null, val scorecard: Output<ScorecardArgs>? = null, val text: Output<TextArgs>? = null, val timeSeriesTable: Output<TimeSeriesTableArgs>? = null, val title: Output<String>? = null, val xyChart: Output<XyChartArgs>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<WidgetArgs>

Widget contains a single dashboard component and configuration of how to present the component in the dashboard.


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fun WidgetArgs(alertChart: Output<AlertChartArgs>? = null, blank: Output<EmptyArgs>? = null, collapsibleGroup: Output<CollapsibleGroupArgs>? = null, incidentList: Output<IncidentListArgs>? = null, logsPanel: Output<LogsPanelArgs>? = null, scorecard: Output<ScorecardArgs>? = null, text: Output<TextArgs>? = null, timeSeriesTable: Output<TimeSeriesTableArgs>? = null, title: Output<String>? = null, xyChart: Output<XyChartArgs>? = null)


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open override fun toJava(): WidgetArgs


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val alertChart: Output<AlertChartArgs>? = null

A chart of alert policy data.

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val blank: Output<EmptyArgs>? = null

A blank space.

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A widget that groups the other widgets. All widgets that are within the area spanned by the grouping widget are considered member widgets.

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val incidentList: Output<IncidentListArgs>? = null

A widget that shows list of incidents.

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val logsPanel: Output<LogsPanelArgs>? = null

A widget that shows a stream of logs.

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val scorecard: Output<ScorecardArgs>? = null

A scorecard summarizing time series data.

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val text: Output<TextArgs>? = null

A raw string or markdown displaying textual content.

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A widget that displays time series data in a tabular format.

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val title: Output<String>? = null

Optional. The title of the widget.

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val xyChart: Output<XyChartArgs>? = null

A chart of time series data.