Windows Based Sli Response
data class WindowsBasedSliResponse(val goodBadMetricFilter: String, val goodTotalRatioThreshold: PerformanceThresholdResponse, val metricMeanInRange: MetricRangeResponse, val metricSumInRange: MetricRangeResponse, val windowPeriod: String)
A WindowsBasedSli defines good_service as the count of time windows for which the provided service was of good quality. Criteria for determining if service was good are embedded in the window_criterion.
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fun WindowsBasedSliResponse(goodBadMetricFilter: String, goodTotalRatioThreshold: PerformanceThresholdResponse, metricMeanInRange: MetricRangeResponse, metricSumInRange: MetricRangeResponse, windowPeriod: String)