
data class GetServiceConnectionPolicyResult(val createTime: String, val description: String, val infrastructure: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val network: String, val pscConfig: PscConfigResponse, val pscConnections: List<PscConnectionResponse>, val serviceClass: String, val updateTime: String)


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fun GetServiceConnectionPolicyResult(createTime: String, description: String, infrastructure: String, labels: Map<String, String>, name: String, network: String, pscConfig: PscConfigResponse, pscConnections: List<PscConnectionResponse>, serviceClass: String, updateTime: String)


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object Companion


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Time when the ServiceConnectionMap was created.

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A description of this resource.

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The type of underlying resources used to create the connection.

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User-defined labels.

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Immutable. The name of a ServiceConnectionPolicy. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/serviceConnectionPolicies/{service_connection_policy} See:

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The resource path of the consumer network. Example: - projects/{projectNumOrId}/global/networks/{resourceId}.

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Configuration used for Private Service Connect connections. Used when Infrastructure is PSC.

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Output only Information about each Private Service Connect connection.

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The service class identifier for which this ServiceConnectionPolicy is for. The service class identifier is a unique, symbolic representation of a ServiceClass. It is provided by the Service Producer. Google services have a prefix of gcp. For example, gcp-cloud-sql. 3rd party services do not. For example, test-service-a3dfcx.

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Time when the ServiceConnectionMap was updated.