
data class GetGatewayResult(val addresses: List<String>, val certificateUrls: List<String>, val createTime: String, val description: String, val gatewaySecurityPolicy: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val network: String, val ports: List<Int>, val scope: String, val selfLink: String, val serverTlsPolicy: String, val subnetwork: String, val type: String, val updateTime: String)


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fun GetGatewayResult(addresses: List<String>, certificateUrls: List<String>, createTime: String, description: String, gatewaySecurityPolicy: String, labels: Map<String, String>, name: String, network: String, ports: List<Int>, scope: String, selfLink: String, serverTlsPolicy: String, subnetwork: String, type: String, updateTime: String)


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object Companion


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Optional. Zero or one IPv4-address on which the Gateway will receive the traffic. When no address is provided, an IP from the subnetwork is allocated This field only applies to gateways of type 'SECURE_WEB_GATEWAY'. Gateways of type 'OPEN_MESH' listen on

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Optional. A fully-qualified Certificates URL reference. The proxy presents a Certificate (selected based on SNI) when establishing a TLS connection. This feature only applies to gateways of type 'SECURE_WEB_GATEWAY'.

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The timestamp when the resource was created.

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Optional. A free-text description of the resource. Max length 1024 characters.

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Optional. A fully-qualified GatewaySecurityPolicy URL reference. Defines how a server should apply security policy to inbound (VM to Proxy) initiated connections. For example: projects/*/locations/*/gatewaySecurityPolicies/swg-policy. This policy is specific to gateways of type 'SECURE_WEB_GATEWAY'.

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Optional. Set of label tags associated with the Gateway resource.

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Name of the Gateway resource. It matches pattern projects/*/locations/*/gateways/.

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Optional. The relative resource name identifying the VPC network that is using this configuration. For example: projects/*/global/networks/network-1. Currently, this field is specific to gateways of type 'SECURE_WEB_GATEWAY'.

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val ports: List<Int>

One or more port numbers (1-65535), on which the Gateway will receive traffic. The proxy binds to the specified ports. Gateways of type 'SECURE_WEB_GATEWAY' are limited to 1 port. Gateways of type 'OPEN_MESH' listen on and support multiple ports.

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Optional. Scope determines how configuration across multiple Gateway instances are merged. The configuration for multiple Gateway instances with the same scope will be merged as presented as a single coniguration to the proxy/load balancer. Max length 64 characters. Scope should start with a letter and can only have letters, numbers, hyphens.

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Server-defined URL of this resource

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Optional. A fully-qualified ServerTLSPolicy URL reference. Specifies how TLS traffic is terminated. If empty, TLS termination is disabled.

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Optional. The relative resource name identifying the subnetwork in which this SWG is allocated. For example: projects/*/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/network-1 Currently, this field is specific to gateways of type 'SECURE_WEB_GATEWAY".

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Immutable. The type of the customer managed gateway. This field is required. If unspecified, an error is returned.

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The timestamp when the resource was updated. //////