
data class HttpRouteRouteMatchResponse(val fullPathMatch: String, val headers: List<HttpRouteHeaderMatchResponse>, val ignoreCase: Boolean, val prefixMatch: String, val queryParameters: List<HttpRouteQueryParameterMatchResponse>, val regexMatch: String)

RouteMatch defines specifications used to match requests. If multiple match types are set, this RouteMatch will match if ALL type of matches are matched.


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fun HttpRouteRouteMatchResponse(fullPathMatch: String, headers: List<HttpRouteHeaderMatchResponse>, ignoreCase: Boolean, prefixMatch: String, queryParameters: List<HttpRouteQueryParameterMatchResponse>, regexMatch: String)


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object Companion


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The HTTP request path value should exactly match this value. Only one of full_path_match, prefix_match, or regex_match should be used.

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Specifies a list of HTTP request headers to match against. ALL of the supplied headers must be matched.

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Specifies if prefix_match and full_path_match matches are case sensitive. The default value is false.

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The HTTP request path value must begin with specified prefix_match. prefix_match must begin with a /. Only one of full_path_match, prefix_match, or regex_match should be used.

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Specifies a list of query parameters to match against. ALL of the query parameters must be matched.

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The HTTP request path value must satisfy the regular expression specified by regex_match after removing any query parameters and anchor supplied with the original URL. For regular expression grammar, please see Only one of full_path_match, prefix_match, or regex_match should be used.