
@JvmName(name = "vlmcasevlygkircw")
suspend fun meshes(value: Output<List<String>>)
@JvmName(name = "uwjrqgqnkielsqfo")
suspend fun meshes(value: List<String>?)



Optional. Meshes defines a list of meshes this HttpRoute is attached to, as one of the routing rules to route the requests served by the mesh. Each mesh reference should match the pattern: projects/*/locations/global/meshes/ The attached Mesh should be of a type SIDECAR */

@JvmName(name = "iqbyassyeqllcwlj")
suspend fun meshes(vararg values: Output<String>)

@JvmName(name = "xnvwkpsplccatsxt")
suspend fun meshes(values: List<Output<String>>)
@JvmName(name = "pkovyfikjuljkynd")
suspend fun meshes(vararg values: String)



Optional. Meshes defines a list of meshes this HttpRoute is attached to, as one of the routing rules to route the requests served by the mesh. Each mesh reference should match the pattern: projects/*/locations/global/meshes/ The attached Mesh should be of a type SIDECAR */