
data class GoogleCloudPolicysimulatorV1ReplayResultsSummaryResponse(val differenceCount: Int, val errorCount: Int, val logCount: Int, val newestDate: GoogleTypeDateResponse, val oldestDate: GoogleTypeDateResponse, val unchangedCount: Int)

Summary statistics about the replayed log entries.


fun GoogleCloudPolicysimulatorV1ReplayResultsSummaryResponse(differenceCount: Int, errorCount: Int, logCount: Int, newestDate: GoogleTypeDateResponse, oldestDate: GoogleTypeDateResponse, unchangedCount: Int)


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The number of replayed log entries with a difference between baseline and simulated policies.

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The number of log entries that could not be replayed.

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The total number of log entries replayed.

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The date of the newest log entry replayed.

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The date of the oldest log entry replayed.

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The number of replayed log entries with no difference between baseline and simulated policies.