
data class SqlOutOfDiskReportArgs(val sqlMinRecommendedIncreaseSizeGb: Output<Int>? = null, val sqlOutOfDiskState: Output<SqlOutOfDiskReportSqlOutOfDiskState>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<SqlOutOfDiskReportArgs>

This message wraps up the information written by out-of-disk detection job.


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fun SqlOutOfDiskReportArgs(sqlMinRecommendedIncreaseSizeGb: Output<Int>? = null, sqlOutOfDiskState: Output<SqlOutOfDiskReportSqlOutOfDiskState>? = null)


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open override fun toJava(): SqlOutOfDiskReportArgs


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The minimum recommended increase size in GigaBytes This field is consumed by the frontend * Writers: * the proactive database wellness job for OOD. * Readers:

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This field represents the state generated by the proactive database wellness job for OutOfDisk issues. * Writers: * the proactive database wellness job for OOD. * Readers: * the proactive database wellness job