
data class InconclusiveDetailArgs(val abortedByUser: Output<Boolean>? = null, val hasErrorLogs: Output<Boolean>? = null, val infrastructureFailure: Output<Boolean>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<InconclusiveDetailArgs>

Details for an outcome with an INCONCLUSIVE outcome summary.


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fun InconclusiveDetailArgs(abortedByUser: Output<Boolean>? = null, hasErrorLogs: Output<Boolean>? = null, infrastructureFailure: Output<Boolean>? = null)


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open override fun toJava(): InconclusiveDetailArgs


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val abortedByUser: Output<Boolean>? = null

If the end user aborted the test execution before a pass or fail could be determined. For example, the user pressed ctrl-c which sent a kill signal to the test runner while the test was running.

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val hasErrorLogs: Output<Boolean>? = null

If results are being provided to the user in certain cases of infrastructure failures

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val infrastructureFailure: Output<Boolean>? = null

If the test runner could not determine success or failure because the test depends on a component other than the system under test which failed. For example, a mobile test requires provisioning a device where the test executes, and that provisioning can fail.