
@JvmName(name = "epbbmyltvbtnvdev")
suspend fun toolLogs(value: Output<List<FileReferenceArgs>>)
@JvmName(name = "ldrqihyjawbjqkbx")
suspend fun toolLogs(value: List<FileReferenceArgs>?)



References to any plain text logs output the tool execution. This field can be set before the tool has exited in order to be able to have access to a live view of the logs while the tool is running. The maximum allowed number of tool logs per step is 1000. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, any value provided will be appended to the existing list

@JvmName(name = "dyxjfkanvcnmycou")
suspend fun toolLogs(vararg values: Output<FileReferenceArgs>)

@JvmName(name = "umkpcugamdkivxvr")
suspend fun toolLogs(values: List<Output<FileReferenceArgs>>)
@JvmName(name = "krtuixyfgbrcsfbo")
suspend fun toolLogs(vararg values: FileReferenceArgs)



References to any plain text logs output the tool execution. This field can be set before the tool has exited in order to be able to have access to a live view of the logs while the tool is running. The maximum allowed number of tool logs per step is 1000. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, any value provided will be appended to the existing list

@JvmName(name = "hnpnixqoaxfqdstf")
suspend fun toolLogs(argument: List<suspend FileReferenceArgsBuilder.() -> Unit>)
@JvmName(name = "aqhbfgpbejwcafwc")
suspend fun toolLogs(vararg argument: suspend FileReferenceArgsBuilder.() -> Unit)
@JvmName(name = "exjincbqfosfhhyp")
suspend fun toolLogs(argument: suspend FileReferenceArgsBuilder.() -> Unit)



References to any plain text logs output the tool execution. This field can be set before the tool has exited in order to be able to have access to a live view of the logs while the tool is running. The maximum allowed number of tool logs per step is 1000. - In response: present if set by create/update request - In create request: optional - In update request: optional, any value provided will be appended to the existing list