Execution Args
Creates an Execution. The returned Execution will have the id set. May return any of the following canonical error codes: - PERMISSION_DENIED - if the user is not authorized to write to project - INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the request is malformed - NOT_FOUND - if the containing History does not exist Auto-naming is currently not supported for this resource. Note - this resource's API doesn't support deletion. When deleted, the resource will persist on Google Cloud even though it will be deleted from Pulumi state.
The dimensions along which different steps in this execution may vary. This must remain fixed over the life of the execution. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if this field is set in an update request. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the same name occurs in more than one dimension_definition. Returns INVALID_ARGUMENT if the size of the list is over 100. - In response: present if set by create - In create request: optional - In update request: never set
The initial state is IN_PROGRESS. The only legal state transitions is from IN_PROGRESS to COMPLETE. A PRECONDITION_FAILED will be returned if an invalid transition is requested. The state can only be set to COMPLETE once. A FAILED_PRECONDITION will be returned if the state is set to COMPLETE multiple times. If the state is set to COMPLETE, all the in-progress steps within the execution will be set as COMPLETE. If the outcome of the step is not set, the outcome will be set to INCONCLUSIVE. - In response always set - In create/update request: optional