
data class GetEvaluationResult(val createTime: String, val description: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val resourceFilter: ResourceFilterResponse, val resourceStatus: ResourceStatusResponse, val ruleNames: List<String>, val ruleVersions: List<String>, val schedule: String, val updateTime: String)



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fun GetEvaluationResult(createTime: String, description: String, labels: Map<String, String>, name: String, resourceFilter: ResourceFilterResponse, resourceStatus: ResourceStatusResponse, ruleNames: List<String>, ruleVersions: List<String>, schedule: String, updateTime: String)


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object Companion


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Output only Create time stamp

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Description of the Evaluation

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Labels as key value pairs

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name of resource names have the form 'projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}/evaluations/{evaluation_id}'

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annotations as key value pairs

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Output only The updated rule ids if exist.

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the name of the rule

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Output only The updated rule ids if exist.

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crontab format schedule for scheduled evaluation, example: 0 */3 * * *

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Output only Update time stamp