6/11 start your day with a glass of this ancient seedy fruit's juice instead of oj. It lowers levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol , which helps raise levels of sex hormones including testosterone. And it can lower your blood pressure and put you in a better mood!. High stress and the stress hormone cortisol have been linked to lowered testosterone in both men and women. As well as reducing chronic stress overall, incorporate relaxation techniques into your life to reduce anticipatory stress , which has also been linked to lower testosterone levels. Rise can guide you through relaxation techniques like diaphragmatic breathing and progressive muscle relaxation to help. Lowering your stress and cortisol levels ensures you can unwind for bed and stop anxious thoughts from keeping you up at night, too. Rise users on ios 1. 202 and above can click here to go right to their relaxation audio guide homepage and get started. https://t.co/kyUafIi9aW https://twitter.com/vigrxstore/status/1643248428518965248?s=20 — VigRX Official Store - VigRX Plus, SemenHance (@vigrxstore) April 4, 2023 When your body is faced with chronic and ongoing stress, it overproduces the stress hormone, cortisol, to compensate. Elevated cortisol, in prolonged and unnaturally high