The future is one of the most obsessed over topics, especially since everything is changing so rapidly. We can either step back and watch or dig in and shape how it unfolds. The next issue is titled “Hopefully Tomorrow,” and will tackle themes of the future. Tomorrow is a gamble, especially for marginalized individuals and groups in societies aspiring to create a better future, and we all share concern and apprehension about it! As the group Transat asked, “Is it not a human right to pursue a better and kinder future?”


Text & Visual work
We have divided this open call for our next issue into three points, organizing each around key questions to guide to help you envision the issue and how you might contribute to it:  

Beyond COVID19
Will Covid change our relationships and how we interact with each other? How are online spaces replacing physical ones in these times of limited movement and face-to-face sociability? Is the face mask the “protection” of the future? 

Beyond Patriarchy
Patriarchy looms over the present and futures to come, as a tool to subjugate our bodies and our sexuality. Can we free ourselves from this fear? How can we free ourselves from pressures to be in relationships and reproduce so “you don’t die alone”? Where do queer individuals see themselves in the future, and how does society see it? Will our concept of sex change? Will we accept our bodies more?  

Patriarchal and capitalist regimes also try to erase us from history and silence us. How can we craft our own narrative of the future, and protect it from those who try to silence it? How do we envision our future, and our future in relation to our societies?

Beyond The Internet
Is technology really helping us connect with one another and break our isolation? Or, is it working against us, compounding loneliness and opening up new avenues for our private light to be exploited and facilitate blackmail? What is online sex and intimacy and can it replace the real thing? How can we make the Internet more queer or feminist?


Submission details

  • Please send an abstract no less than 200 words to the magazine on ( before beginning your written piece. This should include (a) the angle you want to cover, (b) the reason for choosing the topic and/or the angle, and (c) – optional -what it might add to the conversation about the topic (in other words, why is it important). Deadline for the ‘concept note’ only, January 15th, 2021.
  • For photography, art work and design, you can either submit ready work with a concept note or email us directly and we can let you know of what the writers are working on to inspire customized work.
  • Our editors will work directly with the writers to finalize the pieces before publishing, it’s an interactive process.
  • The person has the: complete freedom/right to maintain their own identities (using pen names or aliases), or to use their real name/chosen name.
  • For written work, we are looking for texts from 750-1200 words. (Not previously published)
  • Deadline for the ‘concept note’ only, January 15th, 2021. Submission of the full article would be arranged individually with the editors.
  • Given the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, we encourage everyone to produce their works using all the necessary safety measure. Get creative and be experimental.


For more information/submissions, please email us at:

You can also contact us via the contact us page

Featured image: from music video ‘Youm Wara Youm’ – Samira Said

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