Kerbino Wol’s family accuses gov’t of refusing to hand over his body

Captain Kerbino Wol, former NSS officer and head of KSS security organization (File/Supplied/Nyamilepedia)

Captain Kerbino Wol, former NSS officer and head of KSS security organization (File/Supplied/Nyamilepedia)

June 18, 2020 (Nyamilepedia) – The family of Kerbino Wol, the South Sudanese businessman and former National Security officer who was killed last week, has said that the government is refusing to handover the rebel leader’s body.

Kerbino was a former national security service detainee who was accused by the government of treason and sentenced to 15 years in 2019 before his eventual release as part of a presidential pardon.

He formed a rebel group earlier this month but was killed during clashes with government forces in the country’s’ Lakes state.

Speaking to Nyamilepedia this afternoon from Juba, a family member said the authorities and the army in Lakes have refused to hand over his body and warned that continued request for the body will amount to rebellion.

“They have said that we shouldn’t ask for his body. He is our son and no matter what caused his death or what crime he did, we should have him buried as a human,” the family member said.

“They have said if we ask again, we will be considered as rebels,” the family member who refused to be named added.

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