Opinion: Jonglei State tribes and communities will continue to coexist

By Pal Chol Nyan,

A power struggle between South Sudanese President Salva Kiir and his former vice-president Riek Machar turned violent in mid-December, when clashes erupted between their ethnic groups, the Dinka and the Nuer. EPA/JM LOPEZ

A power struggle between South Sudanese President Salva Kiir and his former vice-president Riek Machar turned violent in mid-December, when clashes erupted between their ethnic groups, the Dinka and the Nuer. EPA/JM LOPEZ

July 12, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — In my previous articles, I talked and dwelled much on and about the social bonds which had existed among Dinka Bor, Laak,Gawaar , Murle, Anuak, Lou Nuer et al.

This is an incontrovertible and an undeniable fact. Historians have admitted in their researches that these tribes and communities have lived together for centuries despite the existing hostilities, which have most of the times, been politically motivated or imported.

It is important to remind our people that the conflicts among these communities, particularly between Dinka Bor and Lou Nuer, have always been due to political incitements.

Most of the events occurring in Jonglei are foreign driven, caused and perpetrated by individual leaders who have always wanted to use our communities as a Trojan Horse and a ladder to ascend to power which serves only their vested interests.

The 1991 incident was fueled and precipitated by the unfortunate SPLM/A split as a result of the disagreement among the top echelon of the Movement. The 2013 incident was triggered by the war of the SPLM leaders over resources but not over ideologies about nation and state building.

Inspite of the fact that these leaders have fought themselves, they still cling onto the name SPLM across their political divides. What was to be an internal disagreement within the ruling Party got out of hand and led to the gunfire; and subsequent rebellion folowing the targeted killing of the ethnic Nuer; with revenge killing of the enthic dinka in the areas controlled by the Nuer.

The culture of cattle raids and child abduction are not common or completely non-existent between Dinka Bor and Lou Nuer, to be specific. It is worth mentioning that the relationship between Dinka Bor and Lou Nuer is in the blood stream. They would always face any threat in unison.The intermittent incidences of thefts of cattle among these communities are usually considered as isolated incidents. They are being dealt with and given fair hearings in the traditional courts where local cases are adjudicated on and settled.

The disparity between the conflict in Greater Warrap, Great Lakes and Unity States and Jonglei is because the conflict there is commonly due to the repeated cattle raids and cycles of revenge killings. Nothing else.

The tribes and communities in Greater Jonglei particularly Dinka Bor and Lou Nuer have resolved with goodwill and clear conscience to bury the hatchets and peacefully coexist;against the wish of the pessimists who don’t want want to see them live in peace;and who have found the prevailing differences as a lucrative business to satisfy their material needs.

Their unity will flourish and rise like a phoenix from the ashes.

I came under a scathing attack for saying that Dinka Bor and Lou Nuer are not enemies and the enmity perceived should not be expected to last for ever.

If there are people who don’t feel comfortable with the reconciliation and coming together of the inhabitants of Greater Jonglei, they should, as of now, come to the terms with the fact that it has happened and nought will change or prevent it. It should not be seen as a threat to others but a positive initiative which will,in due course of time,be extended to the 63 tribes of the Republic of South Sudan.

For more information on this article, the author can be reached through his email at palcholnyan2016@gmail.com,

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