‘I will never vow down to apologize to VP Taban’ – Ruweng lawmaker

Mary Ayen, Member of Parliament representing Ruweng state at the council of States - July 2019 (Photo credit: Joakino Francis/Eye Radio)

Mary Ayen, Member of Parliament representing Ruweng state at the council of States – July 2019 (Photo credit: Joakino Francis/Eye Radio)

August 14, 2020 (Nyamilepedia) – Outspoken Ruweng lawmaker who was threatened with a lawsuit by vice-president Taban Deng Gai last week has refused to apologize saying her people are the key witness to what she said is involvement of Taban in killing civilians her area.

Last week, Taban’s lawyers threatened to sue Mary Ayen, a lawmaker at the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA), for what the vice-president’s lawyers said was defamation against their client.

The lawyers warned the lawmaker that failure to apologize within seven days; they would bring a lawsuit against her in the court of law.

However, Ayen has refused to apologize saying because she represents people, it was the people who accused Taban and if there would be need to bring them, they will appear as witnesses in court.

“I am not going to apologize; He [Taban] is threatening to take me to court if I did not apologize, and I have nothing to apologize, something that I will not do,” she said.

“It depends on the Vice President, he said that in seven days if did not apologize that they will take me to court, so I will not apologize.”

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