Dear Sultan William Makuel Paan, Paramount Chief of Lou-Nuer


Honorable Sultan William Makuel Paan,                                                                        Paramount Chief of Lou-Nuer                                                                                    Community, and aka (N-4) 


President of South Sudan in Exile                                                                                  H.E. Dr. David de Chand                                                                                            CMA-IO| SSMRC/POWER                                                                                                Dear Honorable Sultan William Makuel Paan

September 7, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — I am in total agreement with your movement to find unity within our collective ability by and through CMA as said in the Manifesto sent to your office for “We are the People”. 

Ambassador/Professor David de Chand Ruai speaks to media in Khartoum, Sudan(Photo: file)

Ambassador/Professor David de Chand Ruai speaks to media in Khartoum, Sudan(Photo: file)

We the People, are organized by through the CMA as our central nucleus to bring about a new Constitution for the people, by the people and to the people under the  Constitutional Militia Army (CMA), and through Citizens Militia Army (CMA), within the Constitutional Movement Alliance. All the three identified CMAs are the de jure government that will oversee our self-governance. Therefore, “We the People” are United for the final regime change.

We have confirmed that your political grievances are the same as those of ours, the CMA political concerns, in regards to protecting the Lou-Nuer and the rest of inhabitants within South Sudan who are being inhumanly and indiscriminately being marginalized. the government of Salva Kiir has used genocides and ethnocides to impose itself on power and that is something we are aware that you, just like we, will never tolerate in our territories.

Your sultancy,

 We the People, for the fear of marginalization and to protect the best interest of our people, we are united as a Self-Governance jurisdiction to usher in the change we Godly deserve. Our unity for a common cause that we believe in will be the only solution to the suffering of our people.

Your Sultancy,

By writing this Manifesto, we strongly believe that the action we are taking today will  put Juba on “Notice”  for I am the de jure President of South Sudan in Exile and I will lead the victory to regime change. I am confident that the Lou-Nuer and N-4 under Gen. Biel Torkech Rambag of SSUDA/SSDF, Gordon Koang Chol of SSDF Commander, and Gen Stephen Guel Thak of SSUM are now in agreement and united under the Constitutional Movement Alliance as confirmed in the Union. Our aim is to achieve the United Sudan of Africa as our new government by “the We the People”.

My qualification is my conviction and duty to lead this Constitutional Movement Alliance both as a Political leader and as the Commander in Chief. This will ensure that our leadership usher in the Constitutional de jure Republic for our Government. My political expertise will bring about this change that we direly need. If finding any questions regarding the Manifesto, we will resolve and clarify so that continuity is not broken for the humanity we have spoken.

Please be advised that I have a political Senior Adviser with me. His name is Hon: Edwin Victor Nassar, an American colleague whom we have served together in the United States Army and also at the same base. Although he was born in Lebanon/Palestinian, he is a very competent advisor. He has been involved with us in many ways, which we will  explain in detail at a later time. Honorable Edwin Victor Nassar will assist with the formation of the Constitutional Government.

I sincerely believe for now we are in total agreement to make this regime change possible for the betterment of our children’s future. 

May the Most Holy High be with us so that we will achieve what we believe in that we have conceived through His Divine Providence. The United Sudan of Africa is our answer.

Constitutionally yours

Dr. David de Chand                                                                                                  President of CMA-IO / SSMRC