Kenya receives Covid-19 donation worth Kshs. 25 million from Qatar

Sep 16, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — Kenya receives a donation of supplies from a good friend, the state of Qatar, to assist in the fight against COVID 19.

Hon. Ababu Namwamba posts for a picture with Amb of State of Qatar to Kenya H.E Jabor bin Ali Al-Dosari after receiving donations on August 14(Photo credit: Ababu Press Page)

Speaking after the daily briefing by the Ministry of Health in Nairobi today, the Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Hon. Ababu Namwamba, said that the State of Qatar has volunteered to donate supplies to Kenya in a bid to fight Coronavirus on Kenyan soil.

According to Hon. Ababu, the donation received was in terms of supplies that include 30 ICU beds, 3 ventilators with humidifiers, 10 sunction machines, 10 cardiac monitors of 5 parameter levels, 6000 N95 masks, 5000 PPE overalls, 4000 fresh sheets, 2500 alcohol sanitizers and 200 infrared monitors.

Hon. Ababu confirms that the supplies are worth 25 millions Shillings.

“CAS Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hon. Ababu-Terrah Namwamba today received medical supplies worth Ksh 25 million from the Qatar Government to help in the prevention and mitigation of the coronavirus pandemic.” Reads part of a statement from Ababu Namwamba’s press office.

The CAS administrative secretary said that he received the donation on 14th of August from the ambassador of the state of Qatar to Kenya, Amb. Jabr Bin Ali Al Dosari.

Hon. Ababu Namwamba thanked the good sisters and brothers for the donation saying that “the equipment will go a long way in assisting Kenya in the fight against the virus”.

He added that the consignment was special because it was procured in Kenya.

He expressed his gratitude to the state of Qatar for trusting Kenyan manufacturers.

Ababu did not forget to remind Kenyans to be keen in observing COVID-19 measures reiterating that the virus is still in the country.

Kenya today has recorded 92 new cases from 2,985 samples tested in the last 24 hours. Thew National tally now stands at 36,393.

The ministry announced that 165 patients have recovered from the disease making the total recoveries to stand at 23,528. Sadly, 3 more patients have succumbed to the virus raising the death toll to 637.