Police Authorities in Bor stripped inmates naked in public

Sep 22, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — Reports from South Sudan’s Jonglei State capital alleged that the police authorities gave orders on Saturday September 18, 2020 for a certain group of inmates to be stripped naked at public disposal.

Youth who were allegedly stripped naked in public by police authorities in Bor, Jonglei State(source: supplied)

Youth who were allegedly stripped naked in public by police authorities in Bor, Jonglei State(source: supplied)

Speaking to Nyamilepedia, eyewitnesses from Bor town confirmed a narrative that a local resident was attacked on Saturday by a group of youth whom he later reported to police and were arrested.

The police arrested more than 20 youth, who were mostly from Aweil Dinka community, in what they believe was a gang of robberies or “niggas”.

“There was nothing peculiar or intentional about their arrest, they are considered to be a gang and with how things are done these days in South Sudan everyone rely on his own tribesmen and women.” Said Samuel Garang Aleer.

“I think that is what brought them together in the first place” Garang continued.

After the arrest of the youth, the police commissioner allegedly order for the youth to be stripped naked as some sort of publishment.

“Yes, some youth were stripped naked but I have no clue why or their background or the background of the crimes they committed” Samuel said.

The incident went viral on social media among various members of Dinka community as one community – Dinka Bor – was being blamed for what others believe was an individual’s decision.

“Hi Ayuen, the photos posted above may not be from the said incident but the truth is that the incident did really happen. It is not a responsibility of members of Bor Community/Associations to confirm or deny the said incident because the perpetrators of this ugly incident are members of the South Sudan police service.” Said one commentator on social.

“The course of action being pursued by Aweil youth is for Aweil Community Leadership in Juba to petition the IGP regarding this incident so that the Jonglei State Police Commissioner and those rogue officers who were involved in this incident, can be brought to book through dismissal from police service as well as depriving them their post termination pensions or any other punishment commensurate with their crime in order to assuage the pain and humiliation meted out on those young boys from Aweil.” He continued.

“What really happened in Bor pertaining to the alleged stripping of detainees by the local police? It all began on Saturday when a local man was shot and assaulted at his home in Bor. The man then went and reported his ordeal to police and blamed his assault on ‘some niggas.’ The police then launched an operation to arrest anyone they saw fitted the definition of a ‘nigga.’ In the process, scores of youth were arrested, including about 13 from Aweil.” Write Mading Ngor, a local journalist from the same community.

The two communities have had tension since the Shirkat incident and Bor town has been on spotlight as members of Dinka Bor are allegedly “targeting” members of Dinka Bhar el Ghazal community, something many leaders and intellectuals have denied.