Dr. Machar met top traders, advised them on how to reform the chamber

Sep 25, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — South Sudan’s top traders from the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture met the First Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, to see how to work with the office of the First Vice President.

Top traders sat during a meeting with the first vice president, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, in Juba on September 25, 2020(Photo credit: Nyamilepedia)

Top traders sat during a meeting with the first vice president, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, in Juba on September 25, 2020(Photo credit: Nyamilepedia)

After a lengthy discussed, the traders addressed the media saying that Dr. Machar has urged them to organize into specialized Chambers or Unions under an umbrella of a Federation to serve the whole country.

The First Vice President also urged them to put aside their differences and unite as a team for the greater good of the country.

Speaking to the media, the Secretary General of the Chamber of Commerce Simon Akuei said they understood Machar’s advise and they will reorganize themselves into a stronger private sector.

“We will have a unified strong private sector and I think this is the main objective of the First Vice President” Simon Akuei, SG Chamber of Commerce

Akuei reiterates that they will continue to consult with Dr. Machar to see how much expertise they can extract from Machar’s office as well as from his connections.

“So we will continue to talk, we will continue to look for expertise as well from his office who will help us to see where do we lean to. Do we lean to the EAC or other countries, and then we will see which one is the best practice” Akuei said.

Akuei understand that the traders do not need to reinvent the wheel saying that South Sudan is lucky to be reforming itself at a time when everything has been figured out.

“We are lucky as South Sudan, we are trying to reform ourselves when everything is available. It is already been done. We are not going to reinvent any wheel but we will see how these programs will end” Akuei continued.

Despite that enough expertise could be available, the traders are keen to weight options to decide on what would be an optimal decision for South Sudan scenarios.