Kenya’s Murang’a Residents hold peaceful demonstrations, call on politicians to apologize

Oct 06, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — Residents in Muranga today held peaceful demonstrations condemning the deaths of two people who died on Sunday as skirmishes erupted at Kenol prior to the deputy president visit to the area.

Murang'a residents protest calling for the arrest of sabina chege over the weekend kenol violence(Photo credit: supplied/Nyamilepedia)

Murang’a residents protest calling for the arrest of sabina chege over the weekend kenol violence(Photo credit: supplied/Nyamilepedia)

These residents alleged that the politicians paid young people to go to the area and start chaos that left two people dead and many injured.

They said that the youths should not be used to settle political differences.

While carrying Coffins, the residents walked to the Sub-county headquarters to protest against the Sunday occurrences as well as demand an apology from the leaders who had visited the area.

They said a coffin signified their solidarity with the two people who died as well as their unity against violence.

A number of MCAs who were part of the demonstrations said that they will not allow their youths to be used by politicians for their own agenda.

“We are saying we will not allow politicians to misuse our joblessness instead of empowering us. We condemn it with one voice,” Mungai Karanja said.

“We will not sit back and allow our youths to be used to settle political scores at their own expense,” Wambui Njoki said.

Percy Njeri, also an MCA echoed the other MCAs while urging the youths not to allow politicians to use them.

Following the incident, only to politicians who have been summoned by the DCI to record their statement but they are yet to do so. These are the Member of Parliament for Kiharu Constituency, Ndindi Nyoro and the Member of Parliament for the Kandara Constituency, Alice Wahome.

Church leaders have also condemned the violence accusing the police of failing to do their work.

“A church is a place of worship. They had no reason to teargas a church yet there was no fighting in the service,” said Deacon Kimaru Maina, a leader at AIPCA church.