Sudanese protest the normalization of ties with Israel, burn Israeli flag

Oct 24, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — Just a day after the US released a three-way statement about Sudan and Israel leaders agreeing to normalize their relationship, Sudanese people took to the street in Khartoum where they burnt the Israel flag to protest the normalization of ties.

These parties warn that the agreement will jeopardize the authority of Sudan’s already fragile transitional government.

According to the Guardian, at the events some chanted “go to hell” and “no to normalization with Israel.”

Some Sudanese political parties also announced their opposition to the country’s decision to normalize relations with Israel. These parties include the country’s largest party, National Umma Party; the Sudanese Baath Party; and the Popular Congress Party.

The parties form essential parts of the civilian coalition that overthrew longtime autocrat Omar al-Bashir last year. They accused the transitional government of violating its authorities as previously agreed upon.

Former prime minister Sadiq al-Mahdi, who is also the head of National Umma Party, on Saturday slammed the announcement on normalizing ties with Israel.

He missed the government-organized religious conference on Saturday in the capital, Khartoum, in protest against Friday’s announcement.

“This statement contradicts the Sudanese national law… and contributes to the elimination of the peace project in the Middle East and to preparing for the ignition of a new war,” al-Mahdi said in a letter to the conference.

Former prime minister said the agreement with Israel would jeopardize the authority of Sudan’s transitional government, a fragile coalition of civilian and military leaders.

He also accused US President Donald Trump of being racist against Muslims and Black people, and described Israel as an “apartheid state.”

This was not the first time the deal was protested by the public. On Wednesday, Sudanese protesters marched in the streets of Khartoum and set the Israeli flag on fire to express their rejection of normalizing relations with Israel.

The incident took place on the same day that an Israeli delegation reportedly visited the Sudanese capital to discuss the peace agreement and prepare for its announcement.

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