US lifts Sudan from the list of terror sponsors

Oct 27, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — On Monday, The US president Donald Trump announce that he has rescinded Sudan’s designation as a state sponsor of terrorism, effective immediately. 

US President Donald J. Trump speaking in a past press briefing (Photo Credit: Reuters)

US President Donald J. Trump speaking in a past press briefing (Photo Credit: Reuters)

In a statement shared by the white house, the US president said that the Government of Sudan has not provided any support for acts of international terrorism during the preceding 6-month period.

He added that the Government of Sudan has provided assurances that it will not support acts of international terrorism in the future.

Trump had announced that the United States was going to remove Sudan off its State Sponsors of Terrorism list after Khartoum paid $335 million to US terrorism victims and their families.

Sudan Complied to the conditions including depositing a sum of $335 million for compensation of survivors and family members of anti-US attacks that took place when ousted President Omar al-Bashir’s regime welcomed Al-Qaeda.

Also, the US had pushed Sudan to establish relations with Israel and the country had to agree to a step by step plan to establish democratic institutions there. 

This was confirmed last Friday when the white house shared a statement applauding Sudan’s Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok’s efforts-to-date to improve Sudan’s relationship with Israel and expressed hope that they would continue, and underscored continuing U.S. support for Sudan’s ongoing democratic transition.

Mr. Trump later the same day tweeted “HUGE win today for the United States and for peace in the world. Sudan has agreed to a peace and normalization agreement with Israel! With the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, that’s THREE Arab countries to have done so in only a matter of weeks.”

The lift from list of terror sponsors means that Sudan is now free to enter business deals with the US and major Western firms, something the sanctions imposed in 1997 prevented. It will now be free to seek credit from major global lenders, invite investors to the country and buy spare parts to renovate its ageing industries or even repair aircraft for the national carrier.

The rescission marks the end of Sudan’s 23 years of restrictions.

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