Equatoria region divided over attending the controversial National Dialogue

Nov 3, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — South Sudan’s Equatorian region is struggling to decide whether to attend the National Dialogue that will commence today and run for at least two weeks.

Equatoria delegates attending a mini-event ahead of the National Dialogue conference meeting in Juba(Photo credit: courtesy image/Nyamilepedia)

Equatoria delegates attending a mini-event ahead of the National Dialogue conference meeting in Juba(Photo credit: courtesy image/Nyamilepedia)

On one hand, two governors who were appointed through president Kiir’s SPLM party have thrown their support behind the national dialogue and call on supporters to attend the event in good faith.

“Governor Adil also appealed to the delegates to be at the forefront of preserving the unity and embrace a heart of togetherness as Equatorians in pursuing a common position that will address the challenges encountering the region in its path for social-economical and political changes.” Derick Derickson, the spokesperson of the CES governor states.

On the other hand, the governor of Western Equatoria State, who was appointed through the SPLM/A-IO endorsement, has politely turned down the events related to the national dialogue and so are his supporters.

South Sudan governor of Western Equatoria State Hon. Lt. Gen. Alfred Futuyo greets a young politician(Photo credit: supplied)

South Sudan governor of Western Equatoria State Hon. Lt. Gen. Alfred Futuyo greets a young politician(Photo credit: supplied)

“The two top authorities with registered absentia from the Governor of Western Equatoria State spoke this morning of Monday, 02/11/2020 while sharing and interacting with the delegates at State Transitional legislative Assembly ahead of the conference” Read part of a statement from the office of the Central Equatoria state governor.

The governor of Western Equatoria State, Hon. Alfred Futuyo Karaba, also did not attend the dinner event that was organized by the governor of Central Equatoria state, Hon. Emmanuel Adil Anthony and attended by top government officials.

Like Governor Futuyo, many stake holders that are allied to SPLM/A-IO and the NDM may not attend the National Dialogue as the two leaders, Dr. Riek Machar and Dr. Lam Akol, have turned down invitations saying that South Sudan is not ready for a national dialogue that would reconcile and heal the country.

In addition to lack of implementation of the peace agreement, an Hybrid Court has not been established as required to bolster peace, reconciliation and healing.

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