Bari Community Assures CES Governor of full support

Nov 09, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — Leaders of the Bari Community of Juba County assured the leadership of Governor Emmanuel Adil Anthony of their unwavering support in all ways possible during and after the Transitional period.

Leaders of the Bari Community assuring CES Governor, Emmanuel Adil Anthony, of their support(Photo credit: courtesy image/Nyamilepedia)

Leaders of the Bari Community assuring CES Governor, Emmanuel Adil Anthony, of their support(Photo credit: courtesy image/Nyamilepedia)

According to the press office of the CES Governor, the Bar community leaders visited Governor Adil today, November 9, to discuss how they can work together to harmonize peacefull coexistence between the communities in and around Juba county.

“The Bari community leadership echoed this during their courtesy call in the office of the Governor today,Monday.” Said Derick Derickson.

According to Derick the Bari community also welcomed the recent provisional order issued by the Governor on stoppage of illegal logging and land allotment across the state noting “that Governor Adil is a man of unity and development oriented leader ever”.

“They also continued by complementing the Governor’s efforts on mitigating inter-communal conflicts that had being reported in the past few months across the state as well stabilizing the security situation across the state.” Derick said.

The Bari Community further appealed to the leadership of Governor Emmanuel Adil to solicit a humanitarian assistance to the floods victims in Kondokoro, Rejaf, Mangalla, Luri and Nyarkenyi amongst others.

Meanwhile on his part, the Governor of central Equatoria state appealed to the Bari Community to continue talking to their sons and daughters who are still fighting the government to desist from violence and divisive politics.

He calls on them to join the revitalized peace agreement as the only forum that will pave way for peace and stability across the state.

Governor Emmanuel also reiterated that his administration’s willingness to work closely with the Bari community in all ways possible especially in advancing the unity and developmental aspects across the state.

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