Three senior officials resign as Trump consolidates his last grip on power, Joe forms his admin

Nov 11, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — In a decision that will not only make the transition to a new leadership difficult but also uncertain, the U.S. President Donald Trump fired 4 senior officials within the first two days of what would be his last 72 days before vacating the White House to the president-elect Joe Biden

US President Donald J. Trump speaking in a past press briefing (Photo Credit: Reuters)

US President Donald J. Trump speaking in a past press briefing (Photo Credit: Reuters)

The occassion, which the Pentagon announced as “resignations” on Tuesday, could be more than that.

On Monday, the troubled President fired the Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and replaced him immediately with Christopher C. Miller, the Director of the National Counterterrorism Center.

“I am pleased to announce that Christopher C. Miller, the highly respected Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (unanimously confirmed by the Senate), will be Acting Secretary of Defense, effective immediately.. …Chris will do a GREAT job! Mark Esper has been terminated. I would like to thank him for his service,” Trump tweeted.

These decisions came in less 24 hours after the Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden was announced the winner of the U.S. 2020 presidential election, an outcome Mr. Trump refused to acknowledge.

According to the new Secretary of Defense, the three officials, who resigned on Tuesday, were the Acting Under Secretary of Defence for Policy Dr. James Anderson, Under Secretary of Defence for Intelligence and Security Mr. Joseph Kernan and Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defence Jen Stewart.

“Today, Acting Under Secretary of Defence for Policy Dr. James Anderson, Under Secretary of Defence for Intelligence and Security Mr. Joseph Kernan and Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defence Jen Stewart submitted letters of resignation,” Acting Defence Secretary Christopher Miller said in a statement.

The incoming Secretary of Defense thanks the three officials, whom he didn’t get to work with, for their service.

“I want to thank Dr. Anderson, Admiral Kernan, and Jen Stewart for their service to the nation and the Department,” said Christopher Miller.

“Over their careers, each has contributed greatly to the national defence and the future of the Department of Defence. We wish them the best in their next endeavors,” he added.

The Acting Secretary of Defence confirmed that Anthony Tata, Ezra Cohen-Watnick and Kash Patel have been appointed to fill up the empty positions.

In addition to being more loyal to president Trump, the incoming officials are also known for their anti-Obama rhetorics.

While Tata has been appointed to be the new Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Ezra Cohen-Watnick will be the acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and security replacing Kernan and Kash Patel will be the new Chief of Staff to Miller.

Tata has attacked former President Barack Obama on twitter on multiple occassions accusing Obama of being a “terrorist leader” who harmed America more than he helps.

Tata went on to claim that Obama “helped Islamic countries than any president in history.”

In four years, the department of defense has changed its leaders five times as Trump fires the Secretary of Defense at his choosing.

The U.S. President, who did not see himself losing the elections, has ran wild for the last 4 days and repeatedly said he will not acknowledge Biden’s wins.

Many Democrates, and some Republican politicians, including the former President George Bush have critciized Trump’s decision to hold on power; however, the Donald admin cares less about what the Democrats think but more on the transition to the Trump’s second term.

“It is hard to overstate just how dangerous high-level turnover at the Department of Defense is during a period of presidential transition. The top policy professional in the Department resigning the day after the Secretary of Defense was fired could mark the beginning of a process of gutting the DoD — something that should alarm all Americans,” House Armed Services Chairman Adam Smith, a Democrat from Washington state, said in a statement Tuesday.

Despite the scandals in the White House, President-elect Joe Biden has established his transitional admin which begin with roughly 500 officials who will work at various capacities ranging from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to the Department of Homeland Security and the United States Postal Service

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