Kenya’s Security is stable despite the fighting in the region

Nov 12, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — President Kenyatta today assured Kenyans that the state of the nation’s security is stable despite the ongoing turmoil in Ethiopia.

President Uhuru Kenyatta during a military pass out parade (Photo credit: supplied)

President Uhuru Kenyatta during a military pass out parade (Photo credit: supplied)

During his State of the Nation Address, the president praised the men and women in uniform for their service to the country.

“The State of our national security is strong. Our homeland is secure from the varied threats against it. For this, on behalf of all Kenyans, and as Commander-in-Chief, I give thanks and praises to the brave men and women of our security services,” the President said.

Kenyatta continued to say that Kenya is actively involved in reconciliation efforts in troubled countries, saying like he did with former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, most of these countries need a handshake.

According to the president, the current instability in the region has been caused by “ethnicized and regionalized competition for political power. As has always been the case, we are working hard to support peace and reconciliation processes where they are needed the most. We seek to export our peace and pragmatism to our region knowing that success will further secure our Nation.”

He urged politicians to remain sober even as they advance their political agendas.

The president further said that most countries in the region need a handshake in order for governments that are all inclusive.

“We must always remember that the wages of bad politics are the people’s suffering and ruin. Many neighboring countries need a handshake; they need a politics in which competition is not turned into enmity. They need political leaders focused on including the young and desperate, not inciting them to revolt against their country and their elders,” the President said.

The president’s words came at a time when some countries in the horn of Africa are suffering from violence with Ethiopia being the latest to launch attacks on its northern region.

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