UNMISS embarks on a campaign to end violence against girls and women

Dec 4, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — The United Nations Mission in South Sudan has embarked on a 16-day-long campaign to raise awareness of violence against girls and women throughout South Sudan’s capital, Juba.

a 16 Days Of Activism in Juba, South Sudan in a bid to end all violence against women and girls(Photo credit: UNMISS/Nyamilepedia)

Flora, a community organiser for ONAD, based in South Sudan’s capital Juba, had carried out a research that indicated 65 percent of women and girls in South Sudan have experienced physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime.

Cases of violence against girls and women in South Sudan have been on the rise over the years.

For this reason, UNMISS started a campaign under the theme, “Keep the Promise: Invest, Prevent and Respond to Gender-Based Violence” which is aimed to cover large parts of Juba to increase awareness of violence against women and girls.

An awareness truck went round the city playing a variety of wholesome and important messages not only in English but also in Arabic, Dinka, Nuer, Bari and other local languages so that the message could be understood by everyone.

“We are playing these public service announcements from our promo truck to cast a wider net and thus reach communities and individuals of all ages and genders, raising awareness on the importance to unite to end violence against women and girls,” said Shantal Persaud, a Public Information Officer serving with the peacekeeping mission.

Some of the messages that addressed  included COVID-19 prevention, HIV, disability, how to reduce and respond to incidents of child marriages, human rights in general and the need to stop all violence against women and girls in particular.

Joy Kakule, a single mother in Juba, expressed her appreciation for the awareness saying that she is working hard so that her daughter can attend school.

“My aim of working here is to save enough money for my daughter, Mary Gune, to complete her education,” she said as the UNMISS truck playing pre-recorded message stopped at Gabbat market near Juba International Airport. 

“I am struggling to meet her needs, to avoid her being lured into early marriage,” she added.

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