A government official sentenced to 7 years in prison for rape

Dec 5, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — A senior government official was on Monday sentenced to seven years in jail for defiling a 17 years old girl in Eastern Equatoria state.

The government official who is the acting Chief Executive Director of Torit Municipality, Clement Lino was arrested together with a woman who was accused of aiding him in the crime after the young girl reported the case. 

The Eastern Equatoria state police spokesman, Major Justin Kleopus Takuru said that the High Court in Torit gave the verdict on Monday adding that the senior government official should pay the victim’s family seven herds of cattle and four goats.

“The court charged the executive administrator with seven years in jail because it is a rape crime plus seven herds of cattle to be paid to the relatives and four goats,” Major Justin Kleopus Takuru said.

The police spokesman added that the woman was also sentenced to two years in Prison.

 Also, the woman who participated to aid this rape, was charged with three years in jail but another compromise from the court came because this woman has young kids of 2 years, 4 years, finally, she was told to pay 120,000 SSP charges,” he added.

He urged the population to cooperate with organized forces by reporting any crimes in the community.

The Executive Director for Eastern Vision on rehabilitation and development agency or EVRDA, a civil society organization in Eastern Equatoria State Oryema Emmanuel welcomed the court decision saying the convict must serve his term to completion.

“As leaders, we must be exemplary in society and changes can come from us. We want the public to know that there is nobody above the law. Things to do with crimes related to sexual harassment or rape and all these are big crimes which not acceptable. Anybody who does this must face the law,” he asserted.

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