SSPDF general alleged to have been killed by SPLM-IO soldiers rubbishes the claims

Dec 6, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — A South Sudan People’s Defense Forces military officer who was allegedly killed by the SPLM-IO soldiers during the Morota has come forward to rubbish the claims that he is dead.

Brig. Gen Gatgueng Bipal said that the claims that he died in the line of duty around Kajo-keji area in Central Equatoria state are a lie.

The SSPDF officer added that he learnt of his death through the media adding that he has not left 

“I heard today that they went on the radio to state that I have been killed. There is nothing like that, it is a lie,” said Brig. Gen Gatgueng Bipal

“I even heard this thing about 3 days ago, but I’m here in Wangkeay in Mayom County of Unity state,” he affirmed.

He said the reports were rumours and they should be treated as such.

“I would like to inform South Sudanese that these are just rumours…and should be treated as tea-talk,” he concluded.

The SPLA-IO claimed that they had managed to kill Brig. Gen Gatgueng Bipal, together with other soldiers during the late November attacks that lasted for two days.

“Moreover, the attack comes after the regime has learned that, their strong commander, Brig general Gatgueng Bipal, along with several officers and foot soldiers, had perished in the last battle, on the 27/11/2020,” Gatjiath had said in a statement.

Colonel Gatgueng affirmed that not leave Unity state as insinuated by the SPLM-IO.

The SPLM-IO leader who is also the First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar had accused the SSPDF of engaging in a series of ceasefire violations and the SPLM of creating a stalemate in the security sector reforms.

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