Sudan removed from the state sponsors of terrorism

Dec 15, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — United States announced that it has removed Sudan from the State Sponsors of Terrorism list, saying that it’s a new chapter in relations between the United States and Sudan.

US secretary of state Michael Pompeo [right] gestures with Sudanese Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok [left] as talk to lift Sudan from list of state sponsor of terrorism continues (Photo via Sudan Tribune)

US secretary of state Michael Pompeo [right] gestures with Sudanese Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok [left] as talk to lift Sudan from list of state sponsor of terrorism continues (Photo credit: supplied)

In a press statement, the United States commended the Sudanese PM for the bold actions he has taken.

“The rescission of Sudan from the State Sponsor of Terrorism list today opens a new chapter in relations between the United States and Sudan.  We commend the efforts of Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok’s transition government, the Sovereign Council, as well as the people of Sudan, in taking the bold steps leading to today’s actions,” the statement reads.

The U.S. noted the economic difficulties that the country is going through and promised to work with bipartisan members of Congress to help it clear its arrears at the International Financial Institutions.

“We also note the ongoing and difficult economic and governance reforms that the transitional government is pursuing in order to create a stable, growing economy that provides opportunities for all Sudanese to share in the country’s economic potential.

“The United States Treasury looks forward to working with bipartisan members of Congress, and with Sudan to help clear its arrears at the International Financial Institutions and to advance Sudan’s efforts to secure debt relief in 2021.

Sudan’s removal from the State Sponsors of Terrorism list comes after twenty eight years.

It was designated as a state sponsor of terror in 1993 in part for its support of militant Palestinian organizations such as Hamas as well as for harboring al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

Sudanese have welcomed the new development as it means new opportunities for the country.

The prime Minister took to twitter to announce the good news to the world.

“Today we return to the international community with all our history, the civilization of our people, the greatness of our country and the vigor of our revolution,” tweeted Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok.

 He added that the move would help reform the economy, create jobs and attract investments.

Economists say removing Sudan’s U.S. designation as a state sponsor of terrorism will allow the country to have access to international funds and investment including the International Monetary Fund, paving the way for Sudan’s economic growth.

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