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Breaking news: A number of Greater Equatoria chiefs joined SSUF/A of Gen. Paul Malong.

Khartoum, Sudan

August 14, 2021— A number of Chiefs and elders from Greater Equatoria region have declared their allegiance to South Sudan United Front/Army(SSUF/A) under the leadership of Gen. Paul Malong Awan yesterday in Sudanese capital, Khartoum.

Chiefs of Greater Equatoria region switching their allegiance to South Sudan United Front/Army under the leadership of Gen. Paul Malong Awan in Khartoum, Sudan (Photo credit :Supplied)

In a statement extended to Nyamilepedia, Angelo James Foto, Council chairman of Greater Equatoria chiefs and elders said they have decided to defect from the government because things are not done in the way they should be and cited a lack of security and services for the people of South Sudan.

“To the Chairman and Commander-in-Chief of the South Sudan United Front, to the masses of the people of South Sudan” Angelo said

“We the chiefs of the Greater Equatoria region in Sudan, hereby announce our joining to the South Sudan United Front, led by General Paul Malong Awan for the following reasons” He continued

According to Angelo, they defected because security and services are not provided, and therefore, South Sudan is heading nowhere.

” The lack of security and services for our people in South Sudan, targeting  of personalities who are not loyal to the popular movement” the statement reads.

The Greater Equatoria chiefs added that the reason as to why they joined Gen. Paul Malong was because the incumbent unity government has failed to bring people of South Sudan together and it also failed to expedite the implementation process of the Revitalized Peace Agreement which is direly needed by all citizens.

“The government’s failure to unite the people of South Sudan, the government’s lack of seriousness in achieving comprehensive peace in South Sudan, so we announced our joining to the South Sudan United Front, led by Lieutenant-General Paul Malong, the man in uniform who gathered all the South Sudan factions without severing to achieve peace and national reconciliation among the people”, the statement added.

The chiefs who joined Malong’s camp was led by Chief  Angelo James Foto, Council Chairman of Greater Equatoria chiefs, chief Christopher Masten Issa, chief John Joseph and chief Violet Elson and they were received by Thomas Peter, Chairperson of Malong’s office in Sudan.

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