
Opinion: Not a “Lou-Nuer Community Thanksgiving Event” But SPLM-IG Enthusiasts “Depicting Salva Kiir’s Attention!”

By Mak Banguot Gok (Makjohnson),

Members of Lou-nuer community at a thanksgiving ceremony on July 31st, 2021(Photo credit: courtesy image)
Members of Lou-nuer community at a thanksgiving ceremony on July 31st, 2021(Photo credit: courtesy image)

Aug 1, 2021 — Lou-Nuer Community in Juba yesterday the 31st of July, 2031 performed a controversial Thanksgiving festival at the Freedom Hall. Hundreds of Juba residents turned up for the function. The organizers have invited Salva Kiir Mayardit as the principal of the day ‘ event. Purely, that occasion was organized by the SPLM-IG enthusiasts for specific political grounds, and suited individuals ‘political targets. The event said to be of “Thanksgiving to Salva Kiir for what the group argued and referred to as the Appointment of Lou-Nuer Sons and Daughters”such as, Marial Benjamin, Yien Makuach and others SPLM-IG enthusiasts to the R-TGoNU. And, yet the organizers branded the name of a whole community as a means of attracting passive audiences and few venerated personalities to come and honored the day with their presence.  How come a group with specific political and economic interests uses the name of Lou-Nuer community for their own scandalous project? 

Therefore, it was very clear that the deed is strongly condemned everywhere by Lou-Nuer community members who don’t share the same deadly view with the group. And, there will be continued shortcomings onto the winding up of that event due to the poor grounding. For the members of Lou-Nuer community who might have heard of the yesterday’s festivity in Juba whilst in a far-off locations, you also gain knowledge of fact that, there were huge dismays and perturbed rejoinders toward the whole program, and particularly, the use of Lou-Nuer community’s name as trademark for individuals ‘business projection. 

All in all, the nature and mode of the yesterday’s alleged Lou-Nuer community ‘thanksgiving event its conduct was sharply holdings an opposing view with the bulks of Lou-Nuer community ‘members within and outside the country. This is because, there is no any appropriate basis for Lou-Nuer community to express gratitude to Salva Kiir after all the genocidal crusades under which, Salva Kiir’s tribal political entrenchments went through, and, the misery inflicted onto the Lou-Nuer in term of human and materials. There is not even a single genuine reason whatsoever, whether today or anytime for not only the Lou-Nuer community, but any other community for giving due regard to a deadly set of tribalism political reigns that brought South Sudan to its current state of desperation. And, above all, the organization of that event was highly associated to the clemency of SPLM-IG cadres. Nevertheless, on the turnout, there was a huge presence of Salva Kiir’s high profile political antagonists such as, Tut Keaw, Kuol Manyaang, Martin Elia Lomoro, Riek Gai, James Hoth Mai, Antipas Nyok, and hundreds of their aspirants. There were some others Lou-Nuer community ‘members, including, the Honorable Governor of Jonglei State and others dignitaries. The speakers were identified, selected and scheduled based on a premeditated tactics as to “who will harshly discourage the Lou-Nuer community from following SPLM-IO-led revolution”!

Such pretext on which, the initial deceptive idea originated from, and many others evidences of partisans arguments by the organizers have shown that, those who were the schemers behind this opportunistic projection are all from the SPLM-IG with an objective of lobbying for political notices of SKM and his top advisors towards few opportunists eying an appointment to any of the  political post by SKM. Not the whole Lou-Nuer community in Juba was supposed to attend if the political context was clear as that after its conduct. Indeed, the huge attendance was by the group of SPLM-IG plus other apathetic and none informed community ‘members who have just turned up for fun.

Meanwhile, if the organizers alleged that the thanksgiving program to SKM was somewhat inclusive, there would have been other formula prior to its conduct. An event which is supposed to bring together the whole Lou-Nuer community shouldn’t be purely politicized and materialized in its intent. Even the themes of yesterday’s event would have not been as they shamelessly put it as “Thanksgiving to SKM for appointing Lou-Nuer sons and daughters to R-TGoNU”! This is an absurdity of the group that exploited community ‘brands to invest money and political gratitude. What about other Lou-Nuer who were not appointed by Salva Kiir to the R-TGoNU but from other political groups?

 At least, that event to be somehow inclusive, it would have been only a mere merriment of all that may have happened to the Lou-Nuer community after R-ARCSS if any good things including appointment to the R-TGoNU. If that were to be somehow inclusive, at least for an average person to believe, there would have been no way to undermine the importance of the Honorable Governor who symbolizes unity of the Lou-Nuer community due to his political neutrality and other political distinctions. SPLM-IO leadership in Juba was not involved like the other parties to the R-TGoNU. Without involved SPLM-IO followers and, excluded the State Governor’s vital role due to his being not from SPLM-IG make everything just an ignominy.  Few of the examples that were of an inclusive characteristic and worthwhile for community gathering are:

Jonglei State ‘gubernatorial  that, none of the Lou-Nuer son or daughter stepped on, and for the first time since CPA.

The appointed members of the Lou-Nuer at the national and state executives without regard to their political affiliation. Appointed Lou-Nuer members of the Revitalize Transitional National and State Legislative Assemblies without regard to their political parties.

Plus if any others achieve as a result of the Revitalized Peace Agreement. 

Instead, the organizers being overwhelmed by the ache for money and political recognition from Salva Kiir’s camp, were wearisome to pull in the whole community as if all Lou-Nuer people are behind Salva Kiir’s genocidal reign. This is against the Lou-Nuer community ‘political interest, and should be treated as usual; the same group tends to exploit the whole community to achieve their specific interest. They (the organizers) messed up what was supposed to be solely a political symposium by Kiir’s supporters in Juba, and used the brand of the Lou-Nuer community. Therefore, it will be an ongoing effort to edify others who may be wrongly previewed that, Lou-Nuer community was not behind that indignity. The Lou-Nuer community (inside and outside) the country have different views on what that group is yearning to earn. 

For more information, the author can be reached through email at johnsonmak61@gmail.com

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