
The People of South Sudan are saddened by the untimely passing of the SPLM/A Freedom Fighter Gen. Hon. Chaat Paul Nul Bior



By Yom Deng Bul,

July 25, 2021 — I am registering my sincere condolences to Gen. Chaat Paul Nul Bior’s family and the South Sudanese people, those who truly loved uncle Chaat and truly acknowledged his greatest contribution toward South Sudan independence on July 9, 201. Who is Gen. Hon. Chaat Paul Nul Bior?  Gen. Chaat Paul Nul was working as Executive Director in the office of the Vice President, H.E Rebecca N. De Mabior. He died of cancer officially indicated in a public notice released by the office of Vice President, H.E. Rebbeca N. De Mabior on July 25, 2021. Gen. Hon. Chaat Paul was a family man, a wonderful father Children “leaders at their own rights) and a great husband to his wives. Gen. Chaat Paul was one of SPLM’s highest Ranked Generals who truly served with dignity, and a Creative and Influential Leader. Hon. Gen. Chaat is from Pawiir, born into Ayual Mathondit, Nyuak Payam, Twic East Dinka (Twic East County), Jonglei State, Greater Upper Nile, South Sudan. Gen. Chaat is South Sudanese leading stronghold personalities for liberation as well as a freedom fighter.

Author, Yom Deng Bul(Photo credit: supplied)
Author, Yom Deng Bul(Photo credit: supplied)

A brief overview of his educational background, Gen. Chaat Paul got an honors award and Degree from Khartoum University. This was before he could join the SPLM/A’s liberation struggle in Bilpam, Ethiopia, considered a Bush during those day from 1983 and fought the civil war until the final end. He was one of the SPLM’s political Party trusted members and he has been an anchor to the integrity of their ideology. He is among the SPLM high ranks officers and humanitarian minded people, a very motivational writer and Speaker, philosopher, critical thinker and researcher. He was one of the most honorable SPLM Generals in the history of the SPLM/A liberation struggles throughout Post Sudan’s second civil war. He had fully served in the SPLM’s political party with higher respect. He served South Sudanese civilians effectively while he was committed fully to the SPLA cause of fighting the physical front and war of brains. Uncle Chaat Paul in my own thought, deserves to be given the humanitarian, charity Peace and war legacy Awards. If Dr. John Garang De Mabior were still alive today, Gen. Chaat Paul wouldn’t have died in his early age like he did. In the eyes of the South Sudanese people, he is an honorable man who served his people with respect and maintained an intellectual code while acting ethically in his profession. Chaat was known as a man who served with Dignity and as a very humble and smart man who always showed his highly moral Values through actions. If there are some SPLM Generals out there who have never been accused of any misconduct and corruption throughout the last 21st years of the SPLM liberation struggles, then Gen. Chaat Paul is among them and on the top of the list as he was free from corruption. He was treated special by his chairman. He used to hold a huge space in the heart of the SPLM political party. He remained the backbone of the liberation struggles until the rise of a leader in 2005 who doesn’t know Joseph. Yeah, because Gen. Chaat Paul used his education to break through against the hardest part of the movement’s challenges then, the Party found its destiny in 2005 and the CPA ended the longest civil war in the country. As most South Sudanese people are shocked and grieving feelings of sadness by the untimely news of his passing away of Gen. Chaat Paul in his home in Nairobi. It’s very unfortunate, the South Sudan is blind day by day and of course, the light is gone in South Sudan. The citizens are left wandering and lost with pending answers to the question of what’s going on in South Sudan?  Not for the case of Gen. Chaat Paul alone but most of the former SPLM’s trusted comrades are dying as they are finished off one by one. The most difficult part to accept is to really believe uncle Chaat Paul is no more. Most SPLM’s love and trust SPLM officers. I read through many commentators comments coming from his comrades, intellectual friends, World academician colleagues, relatives and those whom he had mentored throughout his Charity and Humanitarian works. The beneficiary communities of Chaat Paul’s Charity projects are left with grievances and bitterness in their hearts. People started to express their inner feelings through their words coming from their mouths as generated from deep inside their hearts. I have to admit that in these readings I undertook, the heart piercing words from each grieving individual citizen is deeply moving because of the power their words are carrying. The heartbreaking statements are shaking up the minds of young people like myself who had an Opportunity to get to know uncle Hon. Gen. Chaat Paul and brilliants children and his beautiful wife, aunty Awuor Ajak Mayen, Sister of Late SPLM Gen. Kuol (Aka Bany) Ajak Mayen from Gualla Kolnyang Payam. 

I agreed with those of South Sudanese whose attributes described Gen. Chaat Paul as Humanly person, he was so truthful, honest and a great man, man of his people and who lead with A humane heart. He was a Kindhearted hearted person, fully committed patriotic hero of all time who had served his country beyond his capacity. He made a lot of sacrifices for South Sudan to be able to gain her independence on July 9, 2001. In the Bush days, those darkest times, Gen. Chaat developed SPLM Manifestos under trees using the traditional lamp as the light because during the day time, Sudan Army Forces raided SPLM forces on air bombardment and ground soldiers. Gen. Chaat Paul and the rest who worked in the secretariat were truly patriots. Hon. Chaat’s humbleness, intelligence, skill, creative and knowledge were seen through his actions and results. His work was rewarding, there would be no South Sudan today without people like Gen. Chaat Paul, one of those who played a crucial and vital role in the SPLM/A liberation struggled. We have Independent Republic of South Sudan today because there were those selfless individual people like him. Gen. Chaat was an incredibly gifted to South Sudanese, extraordinary genuine person and a treasurer. Avery Charming, creative and influential leader. His death left a void in the SPLM Party’s Political Party. His dismissed is Great loss to South Sudan, Africa and the world at large. His intellectual contribution toward the academic society will be missing in the academic community’s political narratives. To me, Uncle General Chaat was not only a South Sudanese compatriot freedom fighter but he had played a critical, vital and technical role in the post Sudan’s second civil war. The SPLM Chairman, late Dr. John Garang De Mabior trusted Hon. Chaat Paul more than anybody in the Party then and he knew, because of few true SPLM Party’s truth worthy people like Gen. Chaat knew the unfinished task would be complete and indeed the Independence was achieved through hard work of people like Chaat Paul Nul Bior. I was told in the Bush then that, late Dr. John Garang had said in a conversation meeting that, the successes of this objective and visionary liberating war of liberty need an intellectual mind independence after the physical war is over. He means to say that, it will depend on the hard work of an educated and intellectual minded people to create a system and voice that like Gen. Chaat. Paul could serve in an important place within the Party. He said this as he was insinuating the negative effects of mistreating higher educated and higher profile SPLM officers in the SPLA was a bad signal by his subordinators, which he knew devastating the party best officers would lead to political failure in the future progress of the SPLM political party. This prophecy became exactly what he had said when it was done. The SPLM officers who went to the Bush with great academic background had suffered and finished on the course through cold blood. Although, people like Chaat would speak freely and he loves telling the technical part and is unphased by the reactions of those uneducated who don’t like hearing the truth and these are qualities of a great leader. Hon. Chaat’s idea of advanced political Party ideas using developmental agenda such as Charity and humanitarian was a great tool and foundation to boost up the SPLM political party on. This idea bridged the broken relationship between the Party and the Southern Sudan people then because communities saw the SPLM as rethinking about their wellbeing and future development, they resumed their full contribution to the Rebels group led by the SPLM and it was because of Chat’s Perspectives. He went to Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) to help South Sudanese people train in New Agriculture skills, Food security, extraction of Anti -Tanks and personal mines devices and other dangerous explosives mines from the SAF planting of landmine areas across the country. Wasn’t this a heroism deed, i think it was and uncle Chaat had freed huge stretches of lands from mines and the land was returned back to respective indigenous or inhabitant communities’ owners to put them back to use for agriculture. The local and famers began to trust in the farming skills again throughout South Sudan, for example, NPA Main Compound was located in Duk Cut, Wangulei, Twic East for Greater Upper-Nile before the other offices were re-opened, the other one in Lokubera in Yei River for Greater Equatoria Region, while the new one was in Rumbek as it supplies Greater Bhar El Ghazal region. I later got the opportunity to work in the Main office in Duk Chut, Wangulei‘s NPA in Twic East. I worked as Community Peace Mobilizer and an outreach Agent. I didn’t last long, this was in 2006, after the Signing of the CPA in 2005. During those difficult times of struggle in South Sudan. The NPA had done a tremendous job, the Norway government had done a lot for people of South Sudan and only the grass roots locals who can appreciates the NPA. This was part of Gen. Chaat’s indirect contribution to citizens and the SPLM as part of technical work for humanitarians. Gen. Chaat Paull’s advised to Late Dr. John Garang De Mabior that was led to the SPLM manifesto and Political Party’s reforms. The changed their political doctrines from Eastern to the Western allies (Common-wealthy) around 1990s which later in less than a decade had yield fruits. The Peace negotiations consultation began around 2002. This all led to the signing of the CPA in 2005 and DR. John Garang De Mabior’s untimely death in 2005. Gen. Chaat Paul has never spends times with his wife and children. Imagine Chaat Paul was too busy, too committed to the SPLM party 24/7 and worked as Chief Editor of all the SPLM’s credential documents, treaties and continued with the consultations process. His Political strategies, ideology and perspectives were what helped the SPLM to build Allies with the Western allies. In addition to that, Gen. Chaat Paul Came from a well respectful family and a person who’s history is rooted in a great Leadership style. Chaat ’s late father Nul Bior was one of former Sudanese high rank officers who served with dignity in the Sudanese Army. Gen. Nul Bior was assassinated by the Nimery separately in his home during the 1970s. He was assassinated through Sudan Army intelligence. They broke into his house and he was mercilessly executed because he was accused of supporting Anya Anya One based in the Southern Sudanese Region. Gen. Chaat successfully achieved his mission of Achieving Liberty agenda of the liberation of South Sudan through use of intellectual mind and army struggles. He was holding a very respectful position in the Army. He was born into liberation struggles, a son of a former Sudanese veteran and a freedom fighter because of his father’s full contribution.

 His family has been on the freedom liberty for many centuries. His older brother too was well known richest and Businessman. SPLM Commander Kon Nul Bior was the greatest man, the Freedom fighter as well, who held high rank in the SPLM/A and fully contributed to the mission of the SPLM. Before Business owner Kon Nul Bior could joined the SPLA. Commander Kon became one of trustworthy SPLM/A political Party. Commander Kon Nul Bior is also one of the most famous businessmen in South Sudan along with Geu-Babuur Chief Ayuel Warabek from Nyapiny, Ajuong. These two folks were a great sources of SPLA forces on the ground. They were in the center of the SPLM party. They were greatest sons who own wealthiest and they helped the mission with their own wealthy by feeding the SPLA soldiers under Debt. They were promised to be compensated back their utilized in the liberation struggles if the country gain independence. Anyway, these all became a nightmare and importantly is how historical and influential this family is. The South Sudan’s business owner and at the same time was the SPLA Comm. Kon Nul who was assassinated in Kenya at his age of 50 years. It’s was rarely in the post SPLM officers to sees freedom fighter who is a Commander and left for Bush despite his wealth he owned huge wealthy at that difficult time. His entire family hold a huge space in a South Sudanese’s heart. Such a Family deserves respect because of the family history and their contributions to the liberation struggles. He was not only a patriot and an influential leader, but he was a man with high moral values, well educated, bravest and very intelligent, influential leader. Chaat is most respected SPLM General with modern ideas of Saving humanity as he believes societal effectiveness begins with families. Chaat at the same time is a great husband, a wonderful father and a father. Those who got a chance to speak with him can says plenty of great words about him. As the country of South Sudan mourns his passing, Chaat Paul’s Beautiful soul will be celebrated in eternal home where his true SPLM officers who truly adore him will receive his soul and have a glimpse of a smile. My condolences to his family. May Almighty Rest His Soul in Eternal Peace. South Sudan is blinded and I agree with the rest of the people, the light is gone in South Sudan. May your beautiful soul R.I.P Honorable Man, Gen. Chaat He was one of the best SPLM officers who fought the last 21st years throughout the SPLM liberation. He was known for his Quote that he was an overqualified General who never sought any position through lobby because he was on a higher demand in the SPLM party those days. Gen. Chaat was one who established NPA in Wangulei in Twic East around 1994 and 1995. Chaat was an Intelligent and a humble person and a man of high moral values. Without him, there wouldn’t be no an independent South Sudan today, because he had invested his full time youthful ages and knowledge in SPLM and he was the center of the CPA because he edited it to his perfection and who could have achieved that if it wasn’t him. I know the late Dr. John Garang De Mabior had received him in an eternal place where Jesus Christ and the rest of righteous priests lived in heaven. You will be forever-missed, what do we say when lion is no more, Hon Chaat Paul who had worked harder throughout the Interim government in the government National Unity based in Khartoum in Northern Sudan as Head of Referendum Campaign Committee and until independence of South Sudan. He had inspired all of South Sudanese youth directly or indirectly. I am so grateful that I am honored and privileged to have known Uncle Chaat and I had benefited from his skills and Knowledge through his words he said in Many Community and government Conferences we had attended when still an employee of the Ministry of Justice. I think Chaat’s death is an incredibly a huge loss to our nation and the worse news of the year 2021 and am so disappointed by it news. I term this up as neglect of well loved citizens and trust of true SPLM officers. This cruel act is indeed amounting to the situation of the story I heard in the Bible of the rise of the King who doesn’t know Joseph when children of Israel were inhumanely subjected to oppressed and suppressed. The King who didn’t know Joseph came as the results after the death of Joseph, the King who rose and took over power knew Joseph physically and his great works and he had different ideology and policies. This made him termed up as King who didn’t know Joseph and had no mercy to respect late Joseph’s great patriotic work and contributions to the people of Egypt and how he had saved the lives of Egyptians people throughout the Egyptian’s post drought. Mr. President Salva Kiir is not in his right mind, he suddenly changed and turned to become Anti- SPLM’s Vision. He acted as he didn’t know Dr. John Garang. President Kiir’s doctrine has been targeting Twic East Dinka SPLM/A’s Generals throughout his government since 2005-2021. President Kiir had demoted Gen. Chaat and dumped him since the declaration of South Sudan as an independent in 2011, began to treat him like a stranger and as if not the same CHAAT PUAL WHO LED South Sudan Referendum campaign in western from 2006-2011. Moreover, instead of President Salva Kiir surrounding himself with educated people to help establish and achieve a good system of government, he turned against them and destroyed them.

 Instead of him giving Gen. Chaat one of the best key government’s genuine positions other than trapped him to work in his office as trying to make it look like he was employed but in real sense he was unemployed throughout. He later appointed him as Director general in his office which was like an insult to Gen. Chaat and my question has always been, where were those today appointed as Ministers during the SPLM/A Liberation struggle? The current fake SPLM under Salva Kiir is filled with a bunch of junks, the very same members of Islamic Front (I.F) and former National Congress Party (NCP). It’s useless to learn how most important government keys ministerial positions are assigned to the enemies of the people of South Sudan leaving sons and daughters of the nation who fully fought the South Sudan liberation struggle in the civil war. To break my silence for so long, I really condemned President Kiir for mistreating his SPLM comrade so inhumanely. Why not appoint Gen. Hon. Chaat Paul into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? It’s such a shame for such a great patriotic leader and the most educated SPLM founder like Gen.Chaat got discriminated against and denied a right to a ministerial Position other than to be framed just to assassinate his political career? I think to express my sadly in President Salva Kiir ‘s failed regime in South Sudan, I would say, Mr. President Kiir rose into power through succession as a leader who doesn’t Know his leader, late Dr. John Garang and the SPLM Vision. The SPLM’s Political Party had failed so miserably. I wish Late Dr. John Garang were alive, then Late Gen. Chaat Pual would be alive by now, he would still be breathing in Air because he dies too young. The rest of the insider stories will be answered by Almighty God.  He would have been treated with huge respect and better than what I saw he was subjected to. Anyway, uncle Chaat Pual’s has been subjected to hell under Kiir’s Gun Regime (administration) and President Kiir and his J-1 crocks are the primary genesis of Gen. Chaat Paul’s untimely death. All in all, nobody deserves such inhumane treatment and it’s unacceptable. He was treated so unfairly. May your beautiful soul rest in Eternal PEACE SPLM/A GEN. Hon. Chaat Paul Nul Bior. My thoughts and prayers are with your whole family. I pray for God to comfort your family in this difficult time.

                                                               ~YOU WILL BE FOREVER-MISSED~


Yom Creative, Motivational Speaker and an influential leader. Yom was a former employee of South Sudan Ministry of Justice from (August 2009- December 2015). She’s a Committed Children and Women’s Rights Activist. Yom is a motivational Speaker, Conflict Analyst, she’s a South Sudanese Human Rights Violations and War Atrocities researcher. HRH. Yom Deng Bul, (simply referred   to as Yom). Yom is a Child’s Rights Activist, She’s a Conflict Analyst A Researcher on South Sudan War Atrocities and ongoing   Gross Violations of Human Rights in the Republic of South Sudan. Yom is a Founder & Chief Executive Director of Achut Foundation (A.F). Yom was born amid Sudan’s prolonged post Second Civil war which was fought between the SPLA/M, the political Party led by South Sudan’s Founding Father, late Dr. John Garang De Mabior and the NCP Party led by the Islamic coalitions based then in Northern Sudan. Yom was born into a family of two siblings, her Older sister Achieng and her younger brother Bul. Born into Ayual-Mathondit, Naar e Wuoot and known as Ayual Super Power Community. Ayual, the former (Nyuak) is one of Twic East Dinka’s largest entities and inhabitant of huge Land, Island and Toch (Sud). Twic East is one of the Subsections of Jieeng (Dinka) in Jonglei State, the three constituted states of Greater Upper-Nile, the Crude-Oil Producing Region of South Sudan. She Started her Charitable work at the age of her early teen age when eight (8) years in Maridi County, Western Equatoria, and the Great Equatoria Region where she grew up as an IDP’s Child, considered a Bush during those dark days. Yom continued to live in a war devastated zone in the part of Southern Sudan under the control of the SPLA/M party and thankful God saved her from SAF Airstrikes falling bombs and human beasts. Yom became a living testimony of a true story of human sufferings in society. Yom studied her Primary education then, funded by both the UNHCR, UNICEF and other Children’s Human Rights Organizations. She founded the Achut Foundation (AF) in 2005 the year she sat for her High school in Alliance Global College in Western Nile Uganda in Arua district in Uganda. Achut Foundation is Children’s Non-Profit Making. The Children’s Rights organization. She undertook the role of Chief Executive Director of Achut foundation in its early years.


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