
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Dear New Governors: Don’t get soak in power ecstasy; formidable challenges awaits you at the states

4 min read

By Taban Gabriel, Juba, South Sudan

Thursday, July 02, 2020 (PW) — Celebrations are ongoing in most parts of the country and particularly states capitals following the appointment of States Transitional Governors by the President of the Republic H.E Salva Kiir Mayardit on 28th/6/2020. The decree which was read and Televised live on the State run station SSBC, pronounced 8 States Governors and three Administrators for the 3 Greater areas of Abyei, Pibor and Ruweng. 

The appointed governors includes; Emmanuel Adil Anthony, Central Equatoria State. Luise LobongLojore Eastern Equatoria. Joseph Nguen Monytuil Unity. Makur Kulang Lakes State. Tong Aken Ngor Northern Bahr El Ghazal. Bona Panek Biar Warap State. Sarah Cleto Rial Western Bahr el Ghazal State. Alfred FutiyuWestern Equatoria. 

Meanwhile the Administrators includes; Kuol Dim Kuol Abyei. Joshua Konyi Pibor andWilliam Chol Awolich, Ruweng Administrative Area respectfully. Jongolei and Upper Nile governors were not appointed and no clear reasons were cited in relations totheir subject. Upon the announcement of the State Governors, communities whose sons and daughter triumphed in the slots have staged several celebrations in solidarity with their community potency. 

Taban Gabriel is a freelance South Sudanese journalist who is based in Juba.

A colleague journalist based in Kapoeta told me that, Toposa youths converged at a freedom ground in Kapoeta to celebrate the reappointment of their son Luise Lobong as governor of Eastern Equatoria State. In Unity, the reappointment of Joseph Nguen Monytuil sparked a carousing knees-up state of affairs in the state capital Bentiu.

In Yei, Wau, Warrap and Aweil the airwaves is conquered by ululations. This to me isn’t a bad thing to do at all but the gala shouldn’t defraud the new Governors from focusing on how to confront challenges that awaits them in the States.In other words, the governors shouldn’t get soak in ecstasy. 

These challenges include; forming States government, rebuilding States decaying infrastructures and above all reconciling communities who got divided following the creation of 32 States. These are serious challenges that the appointed governors needs to focus on now. Take for example in Central Equatoria State; the Bari communities needs to be  reconcile with people from the defunct Yei River States who were forcefully evicted and thrown out from State’s government houses and offices in Juba.

Testimonies of victims of such evictions can be heard and trace in the streets and tea joints in Juba. Harmony among the communities will ease the process of forming the State government. The same applies to Upper Nile; The Shiluk, Nuer and Dinka Padang need a reconciliation and confident building conference in order to bury the differences that emerged among them following the partition of Upper Nile State.

The governor should lead in fostering reconciliation among the different communities of the State for peace and harmony to reign over the Statecapital Malakal. Meanwhile in Eastern Equatoria State,Governor Luise Lobong need to proof himself beyond reasonable doubt that he can reconcile communities, manage State resources and deliver services to the different areas of the State despite their political affiliations. 

These will clear the stain on his name and gain him trust as it wasn’t the case in his previous role as governor. The youths in Eastern Equatoria should back off from acts of hypocrisy by telling their leaders the truths concerning measures that need to be implemented in the State. 

In Unity State, Western Equatoria, Western Bhar el Ghazal an all the other States and Administrative areas, the governors and administrators have the responsibility of reconciling citizens from both formerly government and oppositions control areas. Without that, forming government in the states won’t be an easy task to handle.

The writer is a freelance journalist base in Juba. For any query about the article he can be reach on the email Address;

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