
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Dear Governor Tong Akeen Ngor: Learns from the past and starts from where you stopped last time

8 min read

An open letter to Governor Tong Akeen Ngor, the newly appointed governor of NBGs-Aweil: Learns from the past and starts from where you stopped last time.

By Dut Kuot Akok, Aweil, South Sudan

Tuesday, June 30, 2020 (PW) — First and foremost, one do like to register his utmost vote of thanks to the president of the Republic for appointing eight states governors and three administrators in their respective  localities/states. His nationalistic respond to the voices of citizens is one of his tremendous achievements in regards to the implementation of revitalized transitional government since states vacuum had created inter-communal revenge conflict and state of lawlessness in looting of public belongings by some intergenerational looters. 

And on state level, (NBGs-Aweil), the appointment of Hon. Tong Akeen Ngor was greatly appreciated and celebrated across the state by truth patriots who are longing for common interests to state populace rather than individuals’ interest as some mirage cadres are dwelling with. His expected appointment by Mr. President is a clear bell of alarm to some barren politicians that he is for development and he means it. 

Frankly speaking, the appointment Hon. Tong is first of its kind for the incumbent president to respond to the demand of majority in NBGs history, and therefore, he deserve my vote of thanks for the job well done.  And to our newly appointed governor, please beware that, your appointment was a demand of majority even if it was through elections, still you would have outwitted your contestants. 

Know that our demands are very high since the expectations of all is to see you going beyond your initiated developmental activities during your short stayed as a governor of the defunct Aweil state. Your previous developmental initiatives are the reasons majority were calling for your name everywhere because they were visible to the blinds as well as louder as bell.

Also, you need to be extra careful even if you know it when handling internal/state politics since our masses has embedded political criticism even on senseless issues. I do asked my own self always that, are we descendants of Judas Iscariot since Jieng were said to have comes along the Nile according to verbal stories of our ancestors.

I perceived so for the reason that, our people are masters in back biting theirs own fellows in the up to minutes country politics, all we are good in is the confrontation of external enemy but what comes after the defeat of invading enemy is unthinkable. Therefore, you need to usepolitical flexibility and your political ability with reservoir experiences to handle state issues.

Governor Hon. Tong Akeen Ngor of Aweil, NBG state

With yesterday jubilation, doubting Thomas are still waiting any minor slide to immediately turned theirs congratulatory messages into bitter criticism if you are not kindly alert.

Always in politics, the most essential thing is to leave your legacy behind in lieu of Money which cannot be buried together with the person comes whatever. Let us hope that you are here to add something to your previous legacy by working with zeal and nationalistic courage with the sole purpose of bettering the living conditions of your vulnerable community regardless of theirs political colors, counties, tribes or clans as it used to be in some former counties.

We are hoping that you would avoid the destination of some fruitless fellows who worked with the complete aim of enriching theirs families in diaspora without reservations for future sake. I was the first to regret my article I wrote in the Stance daily newspaper after the appointment of certain governor in 2015. My humble advices of wanting him to work towards the prosperity of our state was regrettable since the first blunder was the formation of the government with full dominance of uncles and businessmen handpicked boys and close associates.

And after that, he failed to achieved/accomplished any tangible projects since he was seen in constant gum-boot jumping over water to his office while countless ministers of his government do stepped over stones to reaches their respective ministries during rainy season.

And to go back to our subject matter, our newly appointed governor should stand up and meet the expectations of all, it was this morning when I encountered some women talking confidently that, traders will averts sorghum gallon to 200 SSP whether they like it or not since Tong Akeen is back.

On hearing them talking that way, the first thing I did asked my self was, how and where will he (Tong) get resources to fulfill the demands of all with the current fragile economy across the country?. As I am writing, our mothers have flooded SPLM secretariat at dawn and are still celebrating up to now with loudly ululations as it was in Referendum.  

And with all these countless expectations, I am of the view that there are some impediments/trying areas that need your immediate attention as follows

Maintenance of deteriorating roads networks in all counties

The most essential part that need your immediate attention/intervention are the current deteriorating roads networks across the five counties, currently, our internal roads are deteriorating with the exception of Aweil-Wau which was rehabilitated recently by the (UNMISS) engineering team and therefore, there is need to decide on an appropriate level of maintenance, efforts should be made by giving consideration to types of vehicles, physiographic and climate variables which may impact drainage structures, and above all, there should be future roads planning needs to the localities that haven’t roadsaccess since the creation of heaven and earth.

Food security

If we talks of food security, we don’t mean the availability of food with flying prices according to the will of traders, always,every community is said to be food secure when the available food items are affordable to all living beings. The affordability of food for all and in particular vulnerable groups is all we are longing for, and therefore, your tireless effort as a leader and a servant of people is highly needed to address the current wild-some threatening poverty of Dominic Kang together with his heartless and illiterates high profiles who value theirs individuals bellies over the disadvantage groups.

Zero Tolerance to corruption

When I talks of zero tolerance to corruption, I do frankly finger point the so-called Dura saga of Dominic Kang and his claimed high profiles according to his posted defensive statement in his timeline. Believe me Mr. Governor, the above mentioned issue is the great constant people are waiting to see how you would handle it, and perhaps, it might be the first temptation of your able leadership.

Currently, there are unsubstantiated voices murmuring that, you were part of Dura Auctioning with the sole aim of funding your campaign,   and that the current SG of defunct Aweil state was just an implementer of your directives. And as such, it is vital to comes out on time and clear this cloudy allegation over you.

His lousy blunder together with the so-called inhumane high profiles and his disgraceful deeds had betrayed youths capabilities and we would be for sure leaders of endless tomorrow as constantly being  said  by our aging generation since the above name would be theirs daily case in point. With his visible administrative malpractices and disgraceful failures, methinks that, he should be held accountable for having betrayed our poor masses to poverty and possible starvation of our people who can’t afford the sky-rocking prices in the market is possible. 

Therefore, the so-called high profiles and theirs master (Dominic Kang) including theirs facilitating donkeys/Karloshould answer before competent court of laws since all they did was to enriched themselves using public belongings, it is through accountability of this first class fraud that your celebrated appointment would starts in right footing with endless blessing of women ululations as manifested yesterday.  Let me rest this issue here because it separate article is loading.

Also with zero tolerance to corruption, methinks that, the current clannish monarchy in Aweil main market should be given close attention because they have tarnished the image of the government since every government employee is seen by foreign traders as a mere looter looking for money by all means. This team brothers have tarnished the image of the state because all they are doing to foreigners in the market is a complete looting in the broad day light.

Theirs brotherly principle of our turn to eat together with some incompetent administrators had paralyzed transparency in the main market, and with theirs common academic qualification of ‘’being amount paid for x and y’’ coupled with theirs rigid and selfish attitudes of yes we know, believe me, Aweil main market is in shameful hands and it is therefore in need of strong leader in municipality to reorganizes the disorganized hierarchies in the town council before it is too late.  

Last but not least, other alarming issues that need to be put into absolute consideration by your able leadership includes; health and educational sectors that need to be strengthened with the provision of quality education and medicines to our people; drainage system in Aweil town to avoid the reoccurrence of last year destructive flooding of which you was a true witness. Thirdly, water supply in the rural areas particularly in northern part of the state that do experienced scarcity of water during dry season.

There is also pestering insecurity by the so-called niggas/gangs and as well as everlasting peace with our neighbors; abolish of unethical language of rebel X and Y which have been exploited by some illiterates politicians as a tool for silencing and eliminating any opposite viewers; unemployment among the youths and in particular graduates, rules of laws and respect of human rights.

Moreover, yearly sponsoring of at least 0.5% of our students who excel in secondary leaving exams to public universities; completion of Nyamlell Bridge could be vital to accelerate smooth transportation between Nyamlell and Gok Machar and lastly, repatriation of stranded wounded of the senseless war of 2013 and 2016 in multiples streets of Juba city is vital since they are loitering miserably with no food, water and shelter.

Henceforth, Aweil prosperity depend on your tireless effort you will put forth as a leader coupled with your sound ability and reservoirs political experiences  together with our unwavering stand behind you and we would unshakable move any mountain on our journey to prosperity since we all believe in your capabilities as a servant of people/poor.

Please, sit humbly and learns from your previous experiences as a former governor of defunct Aweil state and select the most competent cadres into various ministerial positions and starts where you stopped with regard to your previous initiated developmental projects.

The writer is a concerned citizen and can be reached via his Email Address

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