
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The spokespersons of parties to R-TGONU should observe positive communication in South Sudan

5 min read
Ariik Atekdit

Ariik Atekdit

There is a Reason for Positive & Effective Communication for PEACE 

By Ariik Atekdit Mawien – Juba, South Sudan

Friday, July 03, 2020 (PW) — War starts in what we communicate and how we do the communication. We may have the right to say what we think but if we say it in a way that damages others or shows how poorly somebody somewhere has gone wrong in an issue; then it means we have made the other person to fight back in defense and try to register our own weaknesses in return. That is Conflict! 

Then the result is always a negative communiqué after a negative communiqué and sooner or later we feel the need of facing each other physically and if we are Generals and Politicians as such it is our Forces and/or Communities that fight on our behalves and the country is torn! 

The spokespersons of parties to R-TGONU should observe this very carefully and work to improve on that. All State Ministers for Information and Governors’ Press Secretaries should be People-centred individuals so that they can reduce the magnitude of our Crisis through positive communication and Message Delivery.

Hon. Uncle Makuei Lueth should organize a training on a course  to do with “Positive & Effective communication on Conflicts Resolution in South Sudan with full participations of all spokespersons – Makuei should be a member of trainees not a trainer or a guest. 

The methods of releasing statements of zero services any how andexpect the population to blindly take them up as truth-based without analysis should not be now again. That is the meaning of transformation, right? The citizens have learned enough of elites forthe last few years. 

Leaders should review their past communications and speeches they have delivered since 2005 to 2019 and try to evaluate how much is being achieved of that; and realize how much damage is caused by negative & irresponsible communications.  

The speech writers for President Kiir should learn how to make their phrases short and brief. It is not always correct to write pamphlets for President Kiir to read them out only in one day occasion. You should be assisting him not stressing him up! That is why you are paid for, with public money? 

Who doesn’t know the stress we get while studying our pamphlets in campuses? Stressful, right? Then what do you expect of Kiir with your heavy pamphlets and Google terminologies. It is time to change! 

Communication is not about big terms or long speeches. It is about the effectiveness of the message and its being so relevant and easy to examine the facts that may surround it. 

The question of how much is being achieved of what had been saidby current leaders is responsible for the crisis of all types that we face now in South Sudan. 

I was disappointed when listening to SSPDF spokesperson on Eye Radio. The Journalist asked him; Why do soldiers at the training camps eat food without salt and oil? 

Gen. Lul answered, “You know these commodities are not produced in South Sudan. We don’t have them.” In other words Lul wanted to say that nobody should be blamed for lack of these commodities in the training centres. 

But for how long shall we refuse to deliver and create unrealistic statements and get away with them when still We hold National & Public Titles. If those of Gen. Lul can afford to buy weapons from China and Russia to give them to these soldiers to kill themselves, why is it difficult to provide them with salt and oil? Why? Why on earth? 

I thought the spokespersons during the time of war should have not crossed to the Peace Time with the same duties! The should retire to other responsibilities. This is because, I fear that they will continue to have the slip of tongues to use the terminologies of war and confrontations and the attitudes of telling lies! 

If these elites continue to say that South Sudan is still a Baby Nationafter the Formation of R-TGONU then they should give theleadership to the youths.  

Babies are Better taken care of by their young siblings! Give us our Baby Nation, we shall take care of it better than you have tried!Some of these leaders are even older than  the country itself, theyshould take advisory roles if they have any idea to offer!

These people are intentionally blocking the citizens to benefit from the country through services delivery and the right to participate inGovt in the name of “a Baby Nation” and that “Youth still have time ahead of them!”

State Governors should appoint all state Ministers and Commissioners between 25 to 35 years of age, all of them including the Deputy Governors! 

If the Old Faces have occupied National Government & Gubernatorial Positions, states Ministers should be young men and women. 

Employ our young ladies as Commissioners; we know that every household is taken care of by at least a woman! Any house without a woman is not satisfactorily called home by the inhabitants, because it doesn’t have a table of unity. 

Make women Ministers and they will deliver instead of creating the Politics of our sons and our Sections! There is less more hope that Uncle’at can deliver than division. 

Appointing Ministers & Commissioners because of the interest torecover from their family heavy bills & burdens is not the interest of the Nation. Open companies for your aged comrades to manage them for you! 

The Cheated Generation!

The author, Ariik Atekdit Mawien, is a concerned South Sudanese citizen who can be reached via his email:

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