
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Case for the Federal Republic of Cush

3 min read

David Gurak, Nevada, USA

Wednesday, July 15, 2020 (PW) — The Holy Bible mentions that the Garden of Eden is sustained by four rivers that pass through it. The name of the second river is the Gihon; it winds through the entire land of Cush (Genesis 2:13). Gihon is the River Nile and land of Cush is the two neighboring countries of South Sudan and Sudan; though some historians and Biblical scholars are quick to dismiss this fact. 

Many of us in the land of Cush (South Sudan & Sudan) walked on the same soil that Adam and Eve had walked on, quenched our thirst from the same rivers, ate fruits from the same fields that the father and mother of humanity ate from. Unfortunately; only a handful of people know this Biblical fact, and many of us are oblivious in knowing how unique and blessed of a nation we are for the history of creation to be unfolded right in our own backyard. Not knowing the essence of our roots has a consequential negative hold in our spirit as people and a nation. We walk in our own land as though we have been cured and have no business of possessing this heavenly garden, or to develop it in a dignified manner that would glorify our Creator. Rather, through ignorance and self-doubt; we have turned the Garden of Eden to hell of on earth. 

Our historians, if there are any; seem to plead the fifth. Our religious leaders seem to only care about importing fake spirituality from Nigeria and South Africa instead of teaching us of our significance in the Holy Books. A wiseman once said, know thy self. Knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom. Those who do not know who they are, where they came from, or who are their ancestors, are deem to walk with their heads down; while others consider them to be inferiors of a lesser significance.

Raise your heads up my people, reclaim your untold history. Not only shall we cast aside any derivative names given to us by others, but we shall reach to our true name in history.  The only identity that we shall bear from now on shall be the mighty Cushites from the land of Cush. And the spirit of Cush shall guide, sustain, and unite us all as Cushites, and not as pitiful tribalist of Jiengism, Nuerism. Or Equatorianism,

Time has come to set our records straight and reconnect with our Biblical and historical names. We shall rename our South Sudan to either the Federal Republic of Cush or simply Cush Republic.  It is my conviction that the same spirit that had guided our ancestors to greatness in the Kingdom of Cush will also guide us once again to ascend to new heights, only if; we honor our ancestors, hold on to our biblical and historic roots.

The Author, David Gurak, lives in Reno, Nevada, USA and can be reached at

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1 thought on “The Case for the Federal Republic of Cush

  1. You are right David Gurak, our President is supposed to change the Arabic name Sudan to Cush such that no more tribal names can be suggested for our beloved country. In addition the Cush name can bring nearer to us our brothers the Nuba people to bein the same country.

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