
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Why “Be Vigilant” is the title of my Column

4 min read
Pal Chol Nyan, South sudanese Political Analyst and Commentator

Pal Chol Nyan, South sudanese Political Analyst and Commentator

By Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan

Wednesday, October 07, 2020 (PW) — It is a privilege and an honour to be a Columnist in this great paper, the Witness, an independent English daily. This paper was started as a bi-weekly but for some reasons beyong the capacity of its Management; it could not continue. 

The Paper is now  back to life. It is one of the English dailies now in circulation to update the public about what is going on in the country; the search for peace and stability and the with this Paper, the writers and journalists are trying to inform the public about the slow pace of the implementation of the R-ARCISS; it is also teaching the public about the failure of the government to revive our economy. We are also discussing about how to eliminate the ongoing nepotism and entrenched tribalism .

I was introduced to this Paper by Ustaz Michael Koma, a renowned journalist and a prolific writer.
He is the editor-in-Chief. I knew Michael when he was a Columnist in Khartoum Monitor English daily. I used to contribute in that Paper as a part- time Opinion Writer. The editor in Chief was the Late Hon Alfred Taban.  

I came to know and get into contact with him better in 2014. He was the Managing Editor and a Columnist of the defunct Stance daily, a twin English daily of Almuagif Arabic daily where I was a columnist too. As you would recall, Michael speaks and writes bravely.; a fan of many who want to have their voices heard.

He doesn’t flatter. He expresses his feelings honestly to the best of his knowledge. When he approached me to be a Columnist in this new Paper. I accepted it.He then asked me to choose a Column name. I said , let it be called “Be Vigilant”. Vigilant means ” very careful to notice the signs of danger or trouble, according to an Oxford English Dictionary.

When he further asked me as to why I chose this name. I told him , the political chemistry and dynamics in South Sudan speak volumes and complex in nature.One has got to be on the vigil or look out as he or she writes. There are people who do bad things but they don’t want others to know and so they are bitter when they do, did or have been isleaked out. 

We have lost many journalists and writers for speaking out.

That is when we write, we ensure we are careful by sticking to the ethos of Journalism and political writings. There are politicians and Generals who are committing crimes which they don’t want to be known but the journalists take the chances of making them public. It worked in many countries including the nearest Sudan.

The relationship between the opinion writers or journalists with the people of the government is rough. They are targeted for lamenting about the suferring of the people. Some left journalism not because they are not interested but they fear for their lives.

It is an open secret that those who say or write what the people think or talk about in silence become easy preys to the politicians who own the wealth and weapons.

These desperate politicians use what is in their power to do anything. They usurp the divine powers by killing their fellow mortals for speaking of having spoken the truth. They want all to toe the line and sing their songs of praises. South Sudan is in an untenable turbulent political crisis. There is no accountability for what people do. Many people get away with their misdeeds. 

You can see the looting of the resources and destroyed economy. However, nobody has ever been brought to book but only lip-services become the order of the day.

We have horrible experiences and therefore one has to be careful at all times. The culprits are always the complainants , prosecutor and judges. It has been seen in most cases. Many people end up denied justice.

When you talk about peace and security, you are a prime target of the hired hitmen and women often referred to as the unknown gunmen known only to their superiors. In this case, it is good to be vigilant in reference to the name of my column.

It is good to remind the readers that the Paper will dwell on political pluralism and to promote espirit de corps, mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and harmony and South Sudanese divided by the SPLM politicians.

I will not be among those who would praise the people bent on the cold blooded killings of innocent citizens with impunity. We shall expose them.
I will call a spade a spade .

I will not aggress anybody and neither will I condone an insult or bullying.

Our mission and vision is to see that South Sudan remains peaceful and united unlike the SPLM vision of taking towns to the villages and we end up seeing villages brought to the town.

The author, Pal Chol Nyan, is a Graduate from the College of Radiological Medical Sciences from Sudan University of Sciences and Technology. He also holds a Diploma in Teaching Methodology and a Diploma in General Medical Sciences. He was a red army soldier, a former Primary school teacher, currently serving as a General Medical Practitioner in Juba Teaching Hospital in Juba, South Sudan. He is a columnist with local newspapers in Juba/South Sudan and contributes in many websites about social, security and economic. You can reach him via his email:

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