
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Public Update: Full Briefing from the official Tour of Hon. Tong Akeen Ngor, Governor of NBEG State, South Sudan

9 min read


Thursday, October 08, 2020 (PW) — On Tuesday 6th of October 2020, Hon. Governor of Northern Bahr El Ghazal State Tong Akeen Ngor and his accompanied delegation had a tour to Aweil South County, the purpose of the visit was to disseminate the Revitalized Peace Agreement to the people of Aweil South county.

Hon. Governor Tong Akeen Ngor with his team were warmly welcomed by the people of Aweil South gathered in the County Headquarters Malek_Alel. The public gathering was attended by the elders, chiefs, youth, women, and all the people coming from different parts of Aweil South.

At the starting of the occasion, the representative of the County SPLM Youth League, Cde, Deng Majok welcomed the Governor with his delegation to Aweil South County. Cde Deng Majok thanked H. E president of the Republic of South Sudan Salva Kiir Mayardit for fulfilling the demand of the people of NBGs by appointed the right person, the service oriented leader Hon. Tong Akeen Ngor as the Governor. Meanwhile, he congratulated the Governor for his appointment.

Cde, Deng Majok appreciated the developmental projects started by Hon. Governor Tong Akeen Ngor such as roads renovation, provision of medicines to the people of NBGs, subsidizing of breads, and many others. He assured the full support of the youth of greater Aweil South County to the leadership of H. E president Salva Kiir Mayardit, Hon. Governor Tong Akeen Ngor and the SPLM.
Cde Deng Majok narrated the challenges facing the SPLM Youth League in Aweil South County such as lack of the County SPLM Youth League office, lack of employment opportunities to youth, lack of training to the youth and many others.

The County SPLM Women League representative thanked the president for his right and appropriate decision of appointing the right person Hon. Tong Akeen Ngor as the Governor and called for all the women of Aweil South County to united and rally behind the leadership of H. E president Salva Kiir Mayardit and Hon. Governor Tong Akeen Ngor, meanwhile she assured the Hon. Governor that women of Aweil South county belong to only one party and that is the SPLM. The representative of the County SPLM Women League mentioned the challenges facing the women of Aweil South in particular such as lack of Health care centers, lack of job opportunities, lack of well organized women body, and others. She assured the Governor that the County SPLM Women League is mobilizing the women of the Aweil South to join the party officially and stand in support of the SPLM.

The representative of chiefs in the greater Aweil South County welcomed the visit of Hon. Governor Tong Akeen Ngor to the County and thanked the the Governor and his accompanied delegation for taking their time to preach the peace, and unity to the people of NBGs in general. The chiefs expressed their gratitudes to H. E the president of the Republic of South Sudan for appointing the leader of the people Hon. Tong Akeen Ngor as the Governor and congratulated the Governor for his appointment. Furthermore, the chiefs pledged to united all the people of Aweil South county to rally behind the leadership of H. E president Salva Kiir Mayardit and to stand in support of the Governor and the SPLM. They mentioned challenges facing the people of Aweil South County such as poor roads, lack of water yards in some areas, lack of Health care centers, lack of schools and professional teachers, increase of social crimes in some parts of the county and others.

On the part of the elders of Aweil South county, Ustaz Aleu Makur appreciated the move taken by Hon. Governor Tong Akeen Ngor to visit Aweil South County to disseminate the Revitalized Peace Agreement to the people of greater Aweil South county. Meanwhile, he thanked H. E president Salva Kiir Mayardit for answering to the calls of the people of NBGs by appointed the choice of the people Hon. Tong Akeen Ngor as the Governor. He further, congratulated the Governor for his appointment and applauded him for starting the developmental projects in the state. The representative of the elders mentioned some of the challenges facing the people such as lack of roads in some parts of the county, poor schools, lack of Health care centers, lack of of water in some areas, lack of jobs for the youth and he also requested the Governor to complete the construction of the Aweil South Church based in Malekalel the Headquarters of the county.

On the other side, Cde Stephen Ayaga the state SPLM General Secretary expressed his happiness to the greater people of Aweil South County for their friendly welcoming. He mentioned that the government of Northern Bahr El Ghazal State headed by Hon. Governor Tong Akeen Ngor and the SPLM have come to disseminate the Peace Agreement to the people of Aweil South. Cde, Stephen Ayaga called for the unity , forgiveness and peace among the members of the SPLM such that the vision and missions of the party can be accomplished at the county level. He further urged the Comrades to remain loyal to the SPLM principles and rally behind the leadership of H. E the president and Chairman of the SPLM. At the same time, Cde Stephen Ayaga called all the members of the SPLM in Aweil South county to support Hon. Governor Tong Akeen Ngor such that to provide more services to the people of NBGs.

On the side of the SPLM National Youth League, Secretary General Cde, Simon Machuar Manthkeracnaak thanked Hon. Governor Tong Akeen Ngor for inviting the SPLM National Youth League to NBGs for the dissemination of Revitalized Peace Agreement to the people of NBGs. Cde, Simon Machuar further thanked elders, women, youth and all the people of Aweil South County for their great and colorful reception.
Cde, Simon Machuar conveyed the heartfelt greetings from the Chairperson of the SPLM National Youth League Cde, Daniel Abocha Ali to the entire people of greater Aweil South County, meanwhile, he informed the people of Aweil South that the Chairperson of the SPLM National Youth League is very happy for your great contributions towards the independence of this country. At the same note, he stated that before the SPLM, this country denied the women their rights but now, The SPLM has given the women of South Sudan more rights to the extent of becoming chiefs in their communities. Cde, Simon Machuar also mentioned that the SPLM is solving all sorts of problems facing the people of South Sudan such as cultural, social, religious, political and other kinds of problems facing the people and that’s why women and youth are given 35% and 20% respectively by our Chairman of the SPLM Cde, Salva Kiir Mayardit. He added that it is only the SPLM that gives rights of the women, rights of the children, rights of the elders, and other rights, if anyone is searching for any right then it can be found only in the SPLM and that’s the vision of the SPLM. He further said that, the SPLM is always for peace, and freedom, our President Salva Kiir Mayardit signed the Peace because he cares much about his people and doesn’t want anymore bloodshed in this country.

Cde, Simon Machuar urged all the people of Aweil South to rally behind Hon. Governor Tong Akeen Ngor because he is the only ticket brought by the President and Chairman of the SPLM H. E Salva Kiir Mayardit to rescue the people of NBGs from all sorts of problems. And now people of Mading Aweil have witnessed some developmental projects started by the Governor such as repairing of roads, provision of drugs, subsidizing of breads and others.

Furthermore, Cde, Simon Machuar applauded Aweil South County for their great contributions during the liberation struggle and he also mentioned that the greater Aweil South has some great icons who contributed to the establishment of this country such as Late Justice Ajal Deng Gai the greater pioneer of Southern Sudan Administration of Justice by then, Arthur Achuen Chol the first minister of finance in Southern Sudan and he was the first person who appointed Dr. John Garang De Mabior during the SPLM Convention of 1994 . In his last remark, Cde Simon Machuar urged all the people of Aweil South County to support the leadership of Hon. Governor Tong Akeen Ngor such that to united all the people of NBGs and provide more services to the people.

On behalf of the people of Aweil South County, the County Executive Director warmly thanked the Governor and his accompanied delegation for their courtesy visit to the County. He also appreciated Hon. Governor Tong Akeen Ngor for the initiative taken to educates the people of NBGs on the Revitalized Peace Agreement. Furthermore, the Executive Director welcomed the Governor to the stage to address the gathering.

In his remarks, Hon. Governor Tong Akeen Ngor conveyed the sincere greetings of H. E president of the Republic of South Sudan Salva Kiir Mayardit to all the people of Aweil South County, meanwhile, The Governor expressed his happiness to the people of Aweil South for their friendly welcoming.

At the same note, Hon. Governor Tong Akeen Ngor encouraged people of Aweil South in particular and people of NBGs in general to focus much on agricultural programs because it’s the only thing that can defeat the hunger in the state, and pledged to the people to provide sorghum for the emergency response to solve the issue of hunger in the short run.

The Governor mentioned that we have come to Aweil South county to preach to the people the Revitalized Peace Agreement process in the country . He added that, in the Peace Agreement H. E the President accepted to have five vice president for the sake of peace for his people and at the same, the Agreement also granted political shares to all the parties that signed it. Furthermore, he said that the upcoming government is the government of National Unity where all the parties in the agreement will share the government with the SPLM. The Governor added that the Government of National Unity will be very lean, but the SPLM knows how to equally divide the political positions among its members based on what a person can do to the community, that means the Government of National Unity will not accommodates all of us only the SPLM will do.

He also mentioned that the five Counties of NBGs will also be divided between the SPLM and other opposition parties where the SPLM will have three Counties and two Counties will be given to other parties but, he assured the people of Aweil South County that even if the other Counties fall under the oppositions, the SPLM will still be in charge of those Counties because the County SPLM Chairperson will be in control of the County affairs.

On other issue, Hon. Governor Tong Akeen Ngor informed the public gathering that the state SPLM is doing great, all the members have contributed money and others assets to provide services to the people of NBGs such as renovation of roads, subsidizing of breads, provision of drugs and many others.

Additionally, the Governor also mentioned that the SPLM through the Chairman Cde, Salva Kiir Mayardit has also managed to bring everlasting people in Sudan.

Furthermore, the Governor pledged to solve some of the problems facing the people of Aweil South County such as lack of drinking water, lack of Health care centers, lack of schools, and others if resources are available.

On other note, he informed the people of Aweil South County about the initiative of the government of NBGS to start the general contributions of all sorts of valuable assets in November from all the people of NBGs for the construction of the University of Northern Bahr El Ghazal State such that every child in the state may easily have access to the higher education. Meanwhile, the Governor mentioned that he will work with the youth and women because the SPLM wants to make sure that it’s giving rights of the youth and women according to its vision.

In conclusion, Hon. Governor Tong Akeen Ngor urged all the people of Aweil South County in particular and people of NBGs in general to united under one umbrella of the SPLM and support the leadership of H. E president of the Republic of South Sudan Salva Kiir Mayardit.

Thank you

Copyright © Office of the Governor _Northern Bahr El Ghazal State 2020

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