
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Why People’s Coalition for Civil Action (PCCA) Calls for Peaceful Uprising is a Success Story in South Sudan

7 min read

By Kuach Loch Garang Deng, Calgary, Canada 

Friday, September 03, 2021 (PW) — This article is my personal analysis and reading on the recent peaceful Uprising call by PCCA  Nationwide. I will focus more on my personal observations on this event. In contrast to the recent People Coalition Civil Action-  PCCA Uprising protest, which was scheduled to take place on August 30, 2021, where people were to go out nationwide, the effort was obviously successful, unlike Ali Dinar’s angry mobs who surprised him unannounced yet they could not deliver their message.

Indeed, he was able to scare them away with his angry question, “what about my elephant? 

However, the government security apparatus has monitored the People Coalition for Civil Action since their declaration. In addition, that declaration prompted the arrest of former Governor Kuel Aguer Kuel. It forced the escape of his Colleagues Ustaz Abraham Awolich of Sudd Institute and Ustaz Rajab Mohandis of Civil Society to unknown locations where they continue to call for protest for better changes in the country.

Most importantly, the continuation of PCCA to announce going out on August 30,  as planned on social and print media, shows they are bolder than Ali Dinar’s angry mobs. These social media live shows cause big panic among political leaders.

As a result, the government stopped the PCCA plan, and they could not make their way to Dr.John Garang Mausoleum in Juba and all freedom squares in South Sudan state capitals,  through heavy security deployment where the people were to make their case as planned. Forcing your citizens and zipping them up at gunpoint is not a victory.

Heavy security deployment nationwide was a sign of panic. The security and army forces were deployed on Juba streets to suppress this foreseeable peaceful demonstration. That fear and concern across  South Sudan make the PCCA uprising a successful political machine capable of making changes.

Government officials might think and laugh that they defeated PCCA, but the plan was huge, given the psychological warfare PCCA inflicted on the Juba government. PCCA  peaceful demonstration is still the hottest topic among South Sudanese Politicians in larger cities and around campfires among villagers.

No one can deny that PCCA inflicted a great fear in the Juba establishment, something they never had before. That fear of the unknown made Juba politicians speak with different tongues like disciples of Jesus Christ.

One example is a warning from Hon. Michael Makuei Lueth that the Juba government doesn’t have teargas is a clear example of fear and demonstrates that the South Sudan government is a rogue State. Which nation on Earth doesn’t have tear gas? Hon. Makuei has revealed the reason why our people must fight to remove this dictatorial government, and they will do. 

In addition, some politicians appealed to protesters to be patient because the government is working on implementing a revitalized peace agreement. They also promise to conduct elections in 2023, which many doubt. Other officials tried to discredit PCCA leaders as job seekers, and they should not be listened to.

The government imposed an unlawful curfew that they easily violated, as seen when Vice President Hussein Abdhalbangi attended a wedding in Freedom Hall with thousands of others without masking. They suspended public gatherings, which is also a violation of peaceful protest assembly among the citizens as enshrined in the Constitution.

They shut down the internet to prevent PCCA from reaching out to angry citizens, yet they could penetrate and watch what the government was doing. These are a few statements from officials which show the government officials were panicking. As a result, they did all these as tactics meant to conceal the government’s fear of a popular uprising, and it was too late to mend the damage. 

Why is the government afraid of PCCA more than armed rebel groups? Those following South Sudan’s political development would attest that PCCA was able to get its message to the citizens – real victims of a brutal regime. Unlike rebel groups which Juba government officials easily sold out to citizens as greedy for power, destroyers would come to kill innocent civilians. 

In fact, PCCA directly talked to the victims -the poor masses of South Sudan, and PCCA showed them the real enemy of their progress: the government of South Sudan. Who are the victims and the poor masses of  South Sudan, and why are government officials afraid of them and should be very afraid?

The first victims of the Juba government are none other than armed forces who are underpaid, and their small salary, which is less than 5 dollars, doesn’t come on time or monthly. Secondly, the public workers who go for months without seeing their salaries, including ambassadors, are another angry group that the government fears fighting back.

Thirdly and greatest groups are orphans and widows of war heroes whose fathers paid their precious blood. Still, the Juba government now forgets them as they continue to enjoy the hard-won freedom alone- freedom paid for by the blood of fallen heroes and heroines.

Fourthly, the next groups are the wounded veterans and war traumatized soldiers, who are neglected and remain on the streets begging to survive daily. Sixth, another equally important group is – the lazy youth, as Juba rich politicians call them.

This group includes university graduates who can’t find even lobar jobs. Unfortunately, instead of trying to help them find jobs, they are always blackmailed by government officials as lazy youth. As a result, government officials do not want them to listen to PCCA live shows.

Therefore, government officials are fearful because almost everyone is unhappy with how the government handled public affairs. They are afraid of PCCA, which has fortunately revealed their weaknesses to the poor masses. With the above-mentioned examples, PCCA calling for a popular uprising is a huge success story;  they brought Juba to its knees, as demonstrated by shutting down the internet.

People Coalition For Civil Action has opened a significant front because, for the last 7 years, President Kiir has been rewarding and appeasing warlords without any tangible results. Unfortunately, President Kiir and his government had thrown citizens under the bus for a long time except when Kiir formed an essential forum, the National Dialogue headed by former politicians. That forum and its outcomes could have healed this nation if President Kiir had respected the outcomes as he promised. Still, he, unfortunately, rejected the people’s aspiration, which recommended his resignation.

What is the way forward? I think the government of South Sudan should consider opening up a peaceful dialogue with PCCA leaders to listen to their ideas on how they want to see peaceful South Sudan in a few years to come because the stagnant revitalized peace agreement is not pleasing people anymore.

If the government officials are laughing to have defeated PCCA, they should also be worried that the PCCA is here to stay and will continue to make rounds of calls for more peaceful demonstrations as the victims saw the fruitful results of the uprising. The government paid soldiers and clothed them with new uniforms, and boots show it’s a victory many victims would exploit anytime the next uprising is announced. 

South Sudan government asks PCCA leaders what they want?

In my personal reading, I think PCCA would settle for no less than the overthrowing President Kiir and Riek Machar if they acknowledge them as official opposition leaders who want to see good progress in South Sudan. Other political parties in Juba are in the President’s pocket, and they no longer question Juba government policies.

As a result, the Government of South Sudan should release Governor Kuel Aguer Kuel and invite his colleagues Rajab Mahandis and Abraham Awolich for peaceful dialogue as citizens of one nation rather than security threat and intimidation. 

Sincerely, PCCA proves it’s more popular with citizens than current or previous rebel groups who fought the government for years, and they end up following the status quo as soon as they reach Juba. The PCCA message resonates effectively well with vulnerable citizens, even among the public servants. As a result, Ignoring PCCA is like ignoring a small fire until it reaches fuel warehouses-the poor masses. 

Once the masses are awakened, fully informed about their rights and the obstacles of their suffering, they will take to the streets and die of bullets rather than waiting for malaria or hunger since death is just nothing but one death. Everyone goes to the grave, whether rich or poor.

Kuach Loch Garang Deng can be reached at 

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